grrrrr your joking right ?
So i buy it now but can't use it till 22 Oct.
Nope and yep.
grrrrr your joking right ?
So i buy it now but can't use it till 22 Oct.
I think, while its being marketed as an Upgrade, it will allow clean installs, as in the details and the FAQ it states these disks can be used for 'Custom Intalls' if your current OS cannot be upgraded, which it later refers to as 'clean installs'.
Ahhh so it can be installed on a brand new custom built pc
Do I need my Vista key to install this? I do have one, but where it is is a different matter.
Im at the same stage as you, Im at Strathy though. At the register bit after you select the school you attend, there is a 'Contact' selection. Once you click on that, there will be the email address of the professor/representative at Glasgow that you have to email (state your course, matric. number etc.) too see if you are eligible for registration. Then if you are they will email you back the student ID number you require to register.
I emailed my dude last night, so it's an anxious wait till Monday to see if I can get some windows 7 goodnessI start back on friday so hopefully I can get it and get it all set up for then.