If he waits this late, and again won't stump up an extra 1-2mil, we're no better off than a few days ago.
We had attacks against Utd and scored, but Utd were playing in a way that they simply weren't afraid of losing, and weren't defending very well with Evra/Smalling bombing forward, and Evans, who is incredibly ****.
Best case scenario, Wilshire is back for the next game, worst case, he's out all season, in which case while Arteta is no Hazard/Mata and won't ever be, he's infinately better than the NO ONE WE HAVE NOW. What have we spent now, 12mil Gerv, 2mil park, 10mil Mert, 6mil Santos? Thats barely Cesc's fee, what about Nasri's, what about the 35-40mil we had before we sold anyone, what about Eboue and bendtner money. We should frankly still at this point be able to offer 25mil for m'vila and Hazard, and our board should put up the extra 5mil for each transfer if they really won't accept less than 30mil. Gervinho, Ramsey, Song, Wilshire, Theo? Will be our best line up, and only then if Wilshire is fit?
If we're only bidding for Arteta, I don't see how we can possibly sell bendtner, or again, why on earth vela was loaned out.