Summer Transfer Window 2020/21 - Rumours & Signings *please quote sources*

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9 Jun 2004
Not quite, she's reporting that we're willing to pay £10m. All the reports are saying pretty much the same thing, that we value him at £10m, not that a deal is agreed or close to being agreed at that much.
9 Mar 2012
Not quite, she's reporting that we're willing to pay £10m. All the reports are saying pretty much the same thing, that we value him at £10m, not that a deal is agreed or close to being agreed at that much.

Liverpool journos dont usually come out all at once like they did last night though.

Can't say ive seen a whole load of him but from what im reading he's half decent and a good back up for when Robertson needs a rest.
9 Jun 2004
Liverpool journos dont usually come out all at once like they did last night though.

Can't say ive seen a whole load of him but from what im reading he's half decent and a good back up for when Robertson needs a rest.
Yes I know, it's clearly been briefed to them but the point I was making is that they've all said that we value him at £10m, not that a deal is close to being agreed at that fee. It comes across as posturing on our part.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Honestly don't think Sancho for £100m and whatever wages come with that are worth it.

if he was the missing piece of the puzzle that would make us compete for the league then I would do it but hes not. We still need to sort out the wage structure a bit. We need to figure out whats happening with DDG. We need probably a top class CB to partner Maguire and we need another top class CM.
9 Mar 2012
Honestly don't think Sancho for £100m and whatever wages come with that are worth it.

if he was the missing piece of the puzzle that would make us compete for the league then I would do it but hes not. We still need to sort out the wage structure a bit. We need to figure out whats happening with DDG. We need probably a top class CB to partner Maguire and we need another top class CM.

I think he's a good player but i dont get it either. Its not a position I look at United and think that you need to strengthen that much. The forwards that got you in the CL might be a little miffed as well.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
I think he's a good player but i dont get it either. Its not a position I look at United and think that you need to strengthen that much. The forwards that got you in the CL might be a little miffed as well.

Agreed, we seem to have had a hard-on for attacking midfield players ever since Fergie left, at the expense of glaring holes that need plugging. Then we make that one marquee signing and assume everything will be fine.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
We have no right wingers, and haven't for 5/6 years. If you think that isn't a glaring hole then...

Indeed, we have no out and out quality wide players and haven't for a while. Sancho would help there massively. Greenwood is not really a winger and can't be playing every single game at 18.

Of course other players are needed. Another centre back ideally, cover/replacement for Matic (not sure McTominay is defensive enough) and full back cover too.

Goalkeeper situation is a tricky one, I think Ole will want to stick with DDG but Henderson looks promising.
26 Jan 2005
Not transfer news as such but surely if they have to lay off 55 staff members then Arsenal's coffers aren't exactly as full as they'd have you believe and it should have a knock on effect throughout the football club:-
Need to afford Willian somehow...

Doesn’t sit right with me laying people off ‘due to coronavirus’ yet bringing in signings.
9 Mar 2012
Need to afford Willian somehow...

Doesn’t sit right with me laying people off ‘due to coronavirus’ yet bringing in signings.

Well they havent laid them off yet but i expect most clubs to do this. If we dont have fans in the ground then a lot of positions simply arent there anymore. Its easy to point the finger and say "how can you sign players" but ultimately there is a job vacancy for Willian and thereforw the budget is there. Its no different to any other business.
30 Aug 2015
Need to afford Willian somehow...

Doesn’t sit right with me laying people off ‘due to coronavirus’ yet bringing in signings.

Whilst giving Aubamayanagagagang a nice healthy boost in his wages, and letting Ozil continue to mug them off. Compare that to Roman's response to the pandemic and he's apparently the bad guy.
9 Mar 2012
"It's now clear we must reduce our costs further to ensure we're operating in a sustainable and responsible way and enable us to continue to invest in the team. Unfortunately, we have now come to the point where we are proposing 55 redundancies."

This isnt the best way to announce this tbh. I get why theyve done it but this isnt the best way to do it like.
27 Dec 2003
Most of those positions i imagine will be in hospitality the people who pull your pints and serve you hotdogs in the ground

No fans = no jobs for them

Three year contract offered to willian (Arsenal)
9 Mar 2012
Most of those positions i imagine will be in hospitality the people who pull your pints and serve you hotdogs in the ground

No fans = no jobs for them

Three year contract offered to willian (Arsenal)

I had my opinion on Willian before but a 3 year deal to a 32 year old? Not sure about that personally.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
Arsenal are turning into a serie a club. Oldies on a free on massive wages.

Indeed, we have no out and out quality wide players and haven't for a while. Sancho would help there massively. Greenwood is not really a winger and can't be playing every single game at 18.

Of course other players are needed. Another centre back ideally, cover/replacement for Matic (not sure McTominay is defensive enough) and full back cover too.

Goalkeeper situation is a tricky one, I think Ole will want to stick with DDG but Henderson looks promising.

I think 100 million for a 20 year old is not a bad one. Unlike the amount of money spent on Maguire. Sancho has 12 years of top flight ahead of him. I just hope this isn't the only signing.

Fred and Mctominay were actually decent. Mctominay was a miss when he got injured and Fred was almost Kante esque in some of his performances. I think they are more than good enough for roation. We have to make sure Pogba and Fernandes play a lot more as we basically only had them for a third of a season.

Our main weekness is full backs. Left back not so much but there is absolutely nothing if AWB is out injured. This in my opinion is where money needs to spent.

Ole also has to make a decision. Bailly is immence of his day but made out of chocolate. Tuanzebe is a risk and has looked good when he has played. Could be his breakthrough year if he can stay fit. We also have the posibility of calling Chris Smalling back into the team who isn't actually that bad.
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5 Dec 2008
"It's now clear we must reduce our costs further to ensure we're operating in a sustainable and responsible way and enable us to continue to invest in the team. Unfortunately, we have now come to the point where we are proposing 55 redundancies."

This isnt the best way to announce this tbh. I get why theyve done it but this isnt the best way to do it like.
**** take really disgusting move by arsenal if they do that not a chance they should sign any one

If there paying people off yet buy players to me that means they could have afforded to keep them people on.

if I was one of the people laid off I'd certainly try find a complaint route
Man of Honour
29 Nov 2008
**** take really disgusting move by arsenal if they do that not a chance they should sign any one

If there paying people off yet buy players to me that means they could have afforded to keep them people on.

if I was one of the people laid off I'd certainly try find a complaint route

As stated above the team is the one of the few parts of the business that can stil operate and gereate income, why would you take any money away from the biggest earner of your business?

I imagine it's mostly matchday staff and some scouts that will be sitting there not doing much as they won't be travelling to watch games.

If you want to point fingers maybe consider the owners who are worth billions. They've helped by re-financing our debt but if they wanted to keep the staff on they'd have no problem covering those wages (although not sure how this would affect ffp). All the players and boardroom staff have already taken pay cuts (excluding one, but he's being scapegoated imo).

Edit: Yep, mostly recruitment staff going:

Although I've seen a lot of talk that this could be intentional to facilitate our weird relationship with agents. Board taking a 33% paycut next year, and no staff were furloughed.
5 Dec 2008
As stated above the team is the one of the few parts of the business that can stil operate and gereate income, why would you take any money away from the biggest earner of your business?

I imagine it's mostly matchday staff and some scouts that will be sitting there not doing much as they won't be travelling to watch games. Raked it in over the years

If you want to point fingers maybe consider the owners who are worth billions. They've helped by re-financing our debt but if they wanted to keep the staff on they'd have no problem covering those wages (although not sure how this would affect ffp). All the players and boardroom staff have already taken pay cuts (excluding one, but he's being scapegoated imo).

Dress it up however you like it's a joke.

Arsenal fans pay quite allot to watch there club, more than most other clubs.

It's of course the owners fault, it's also there fault your still paying Ozil 350k a week to do sweet fa. Regardless a scout etc whom ever the 55 are being laid off when your have a player doing nothing is bad enough BUT then to also be buying players that cost millions is what's the kick in the teeth.

It's just wrong, honestly any one defending arsenal here fan or otherwise are wrong to do so imo
27 Dec 2003
**** take really disgusting move by arsenal if they do that not a chance they should sign any one

If there paying people off yet buy players to me that means they could have afforded to keep them people on.

if I was one of the people laid off I'd certainly try find a complaint route
If you work in hospitality in one of the ground kiosks serving food and beer at half time how do you envisage them keeping you on when the grounds are shut???
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