Summer Transfer Window 2020/21 - Rumours & Signings *please quote sources*

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5 Dec 2008
If you work in hospitality in one of the ground kiosks serving food and beer at half time how do you envisage them keeping you on when the grounds are shut???
Football clubs in premier League within top 6 ain't exactly short of funds

Honestly how any one is defending them is baffling what there doing is morally wrong.

You can't honestly say sacking off 55 people whilst buying players who cost millions is acceptable?!?
9 Mar 2012
Dress it up however you like it's a joke.

Arsenal fans pay quite allot to watch there club, more than most other clubs.

It's of course the owners fault, it's also there fault your still paying Ozil 350k a week to do sweet fa. Regardless a scout etc whom ever the 55 are being laid off when your have a player doing nothing is bad enough BUT then to also be buying players that cost millions is what's the kick in the teeth.

It's just wrong, honestly any one defending arsenal here fan or otherwise are wrong to do so imo

Im not defending just saying thats it no different to any other club. It would be like any company with a billionaire owner making staff redundant...I really don't see how this is different it just hits differently because its a football club.
5 Dec 2008
Im not defending just saying thats it no different to any other club. It would be like any company with a billionaire owner making staff redundant...I really don't see how this is different it just hits differently because its a football club.
Cause generally a business won't re-hire staff within a certain period as legally they can't for same position

Difference here is this owner is using finances as his reason whilst also spending millions on new players
9 Mar 2012
Football clubs in premier League within top 6 ain't exactly short of funds

Honestly how any one is defending them is baffling what there doing is morally wrong.

You can't honestly say sacking off 55 people whilst buying players who cost millions is acceptable?!?

No one has been sacked or made redundant. They have entered a period of consultation.

Cause generally a business won't re-hire staff within a certain period as legally they can't for same position

Difference here is this owner is using finances as his reason whilst also spending millions on new players

There is a "vacancy" for that player. I'm not meaning to sound heartless but there may not be fans in stadium for half the season...there isn't a job available for a lot of those members of staff. Players will still be playing...they will still be doing a job. Its harsh but its business. Richard Branson is applying for chapter 15 bankruptcy on his Virgin airlines brand then is flying to space with another.

Businessmen are morally bankrupt 99.9% of the time unfortunately.

p.s I'm not saying I agree and i wouldn't want Liverpool to do the same thing. I don't think they will in all honesty but i can at least understand why if they did.
5 Dec 2008
No one has been sacked or made redundant. They have entered a period of consultation.

There is a "vacancy" for that player. I'm not meaning to sound heartless but there may not be fans in stadium for half the season...there isn't a job available for a lot of those members of staff. Players will still be playing...they will still be doing a job. Its harsh but its business. Richard Branson is applying for chapter 15 bankruptcy on his Virgin airlines brand then is flying to space with another.

Businessmen are morally bankrupt 99.9% of the time unfortunately.

p.s I'm not saying I agree and i wouldn't want Liverpool to do the same thing. I don't think they will in all honesty but i can at least understand why if they did.
I get the points I just feel it's morally wrong that a club of there stature needs to do it.

God we gave our club stick just for possibly furloughing people
Man of Honour
29 Nov 2008
Liverpool also have the benfit of prize money, CL football revenue, and I imagine significanty higher sponsorship deals. They also have the best team in the world right now and won't be looking to sign players that improve the XI, merley squad/rotation players.

We aren't a top 6 team atm, and we're in the middle of a major rebuild. Financially us and Spurs will be hit the hardest by this compared to other top teams in the country.

Anyway, in Arsenal transfer new we look to be in for Lille CB Gabriel Magalhães. If it's true then we have to be looking to offload at least 2 CBs as we're stacked at the moment. Mavropanos will go on loan again to Stuttgart, Sokratis will likely be moved on if we can find a buyer (lol he'll leave on a free no doubt).

I get the points I just feel it's morally wrong that a club of there stature needs to do it.

God we gave our club stick just for possibly furloughing people

Wouldn't disagree with you there, it's completely morally bankrupt but thats business for you. I think you might also be overestimating our stature financially too, we're nowhere near where we used to be.
9 Mar 2012
Liverpool also have the benfit of prize money, CL football revenue, and I imagine significanty higher sponsorship deals. They also have the best team in the world right now and won't be looking to sign players that improve the XI, merley squad/rotation players.

We aren't a top 6 team atm, and we're in the middle of a major rebuild. Financially us and Spurs will be hit the hardest by this compared to other top teams in the country.

Anyway, in Arsenal transfer new we look to be in for Lille CB Gabriel Magalhães. If it's true then we have to be looking to offload at least 2 CBs as we're stacked at the moment. Mavropanos will go on loan again to Stuttgart, Sokratis will likely be moved on if we can find a buyer (lol he'll leave on a free no doubt)

Our squads salaries are made up of hefty bonuses for winning competitions. That and the majority are on higher contracts means that money has pretty much gone elsewhere.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
I feel for the staff who lose their jobs, but we have to do what’s necessary to maintain investment in the team. The team is the most important part of a club and ours is entering a crucial stage. Without investment we’re going nowhere. Fans pay millions for tickets and merchandise to watch and support the team and see top players, they don’t pay through the nose to see the office staff.
17 Oct 2017
A French newspaper who first reported the Pepe to Arsenal deal has reported tonight that Gabriel Magalhaes has chosen Arsenal as his next destination. Fee is rumoured to be in the £30m region.

If true, we are like the Utd of a couple of seasons ago for central defenders: Magalhaes would be what, our 9th senior on the books? (Luiz, Mustafi, Sokratis, Holding, Chambers, Saliba, Mari, Mavropanos) - and that's not including Tierney and Kolasinac who can and have played there. Ideally, we need to trim that by around three players, injuries and the Mavropanos loan notwithstanding.
1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
If true, we are like the Utd of a couple of seasons ago for central defenders: Magalhaes would be what, our 9th senior on the books? (Luiz, Mustafi, Sokratis, Holding, Chambers, Saliba, Mari, Mavropanos) - and that's not including Tierney and Kolasinac who can and have played there. Ideally, we need to trim that by around three players, injuries and the Mavropanos loan notwithstanding.
Chambers, Sokratis and one of Holding/Mustafi should definitely be shown the door.
Man of Honour
29 Nov 2008
If true, we are like the Utd of a couple of seasons ago for central defenders: Magalhaes would be what, our 9th senior on the books? (Luiz, Mustafi, Sokratis, Holding, Chambers, Saliba, Mari, Mavropanos) - and that's not including Tierney and Kolasinac who can and have played there. Ideally, we need to trim that by around three players.

I believe Mavropanos has already signed for Stuttgart on loan next season. Sokratis is in his last year so he'll be off next summer unless we find a buyer this window. I'd imagine one of Holding or Chambers will be loaned out/sold to make room.
17 Oct 2017
Sokratis would seem likely and, as you say @explicit4u, Mavropanos has signed for Stuttgart on loan. A similarity in both is that they are aggressive defenders and poor on the ground which may dictate any further outgoings. Unlikely we retain Mustafi, Chambers and Holding. Arteta does seem to want to test Mustafi. Personally, I think a fit Chambers is a better fit as an extra body on the right of a three, and gives more flexibility.
9 Jun 2004
On the Arsenal situation with redundancies and then signing players. Yes it's morally iffy to sack a load of people earning £20-30k per year and then sign somebody and them £100k per week but the business side of football is driven by results on the pitch. The better you do, the more money you make. If Arsenal don't invest in the side and get cut adrift from the top of the table (or more so than they are), their revenues will only be hit harder long term and the consequence of that will be more, permanent job losses.
9 Mar 2012
22 year old Brazilian left footed CB, named in Ligue 1’s team of the season.
Do you mean the L'equipe team of the season? Neymar got it in it and hes played 15 games and he has the highest rating lol. The RB in that side has a rating across the season of 5.2 with Gabriel 5.57.

I wouldnt read a lot into that tbh.
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