Super Mario Bros

UK date is July 9th.
Watched it yesterday. 6/10 wouldn't watch again but it wasn't bad per se.

Once you get over hearing the same sound effects that you've heard coming out of your Nintendo console for over 25 years and heard cool remixes of theme tunes it gets a bit dull.

The HDR and animation is great but in essence it's a kids film and a nostalgia film. The nostalgia didn't do it for me, although I don't think I've played a mario game apart from mario kart in the last 10 years.

The HDR and animation is great but in essence it's a kids film and a nostalgia film.

Yeah, I was expecting a little more honestly. Nostalgia and pop culture references appeal massively to a certain demographic though. Its part of the reason some people think Marvel films are absolutely high art. "Look, its that thing from that other niche thing in the background of this thing!!! Oh how they love us fans!!!"

Animation was great, it just didn't have any of the adult charm that the best animated films have. There wasn't really and wit to it.
Yeah, I was expecting a little more honestly. Nostalgia and pop culture references appeal massively to a certain demographic though. Its part of the reason some people think Marvel films are absolutely high art. "Look, its that thing from that other niche thing in the background of this thing!!! Oh how they love us fans!!!"
That's me in terms of Marvel films :D

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Anyone know anything of a rough release month for a sequel, it'd be annoying to wait another year and pretty obvious we're getting one
Anyone know anything of a rough release month for a sequel, it'd be annoying to wait another year and pretty obvious we're getting one
I'd imagine it'd be 2026, rumours online seem to confirm. Live action movies generally take 2 years from pre-production to delivery. Big budget animations always take considerably longer...
I'd imagine it'd be 2026, rumours online seem to confirm. Live action movies generally take 2 years from pre-production to delivery. Big budget animations always take considerably longer...

Yeah, and they wouldn't have been that sure that it would make a lot of money. Now they know however, Nintendo will milk this real gooood. MCU anyone? Mario Cinematic Universe(tm)
MCU anyone? Mario Cinematic Universe(tm)

Imagine a Nintendo Cinematic Universe, leading into a handful of Super Smash Bros movies. Loads of origin movies to draw out for a few years - Donkey Kong, Starfox, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, Yoshi...
Anyone know anything of a rough release month for a sequel, it'd be annoying to wait another year and pretty obvious we're getting one

Mario has done brilliantly. In fact, it's Frozen territory as it has made $1.25bn. So for a sequel, Nintendo needs to get it right again and that will take more than 1 year. Then also, it's whether Nintendo's next project will be a sequel or one of their other franchises such as Yoshi or Zelda.
Yeah, and they wouldn't have been that sure that it would make a lot of money. Now they know however, Nintendo will milk this real gooood. MCU anyone? Mario Cinematic Universe(tm)
I think there would be a lot of folks excited about a good Zelda animated movie
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Mario has done brilliantly. In fact, it's Frozen territory as it has made $1.25bn. So for a sequel, Nintendo needs to get it right again and that will take more than 1 year. Then also, it's whether Nintendo's next project will be a sequel or one of their other franchises such as Yoshi or Zelda.

Give Zelda to Ghibli please
Knowing Nintendo, not expecting Zelda anytime soon :/

I don’t think the Zelda franchise would work as a film.

Link is a totally silent protagonist. When you play the game, YOU are Link. It’s thrilling because YOU are exploring, getting more experienced, skilling up etc - which does not translate to film. Putting a personality onto Link will necessitate making him extraordinarily bland.

The ‘regal’, basic ‘good vs evil’ tone of the dialogue in the latest switch games is mostly excruciating - so I just really, really, really can’t see it working at all :o

… maybe Ocarina of Time across a trilogy of films, if they must!

Metroid is a better fit for film, IMO.
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