CNP Pro Recover > Recovery XS
I recommend it to everyone, tastes nicer, better ingredients and doesn't have that god awful Creapure in it
If it works for you then nothing at allI looked a lot better shortly after swapping Recovery out for CNP
It gives me really bad bloat/water retention, as does for a lot of people
The best, and unfortunately most expensive by a mile is Creatine Gluconate
Post workout supps are the only other ones I condone <3
Pretty vital tbh
I just take some whey when I get home normally
I've always been told to jsut 'get some protein in' afterwards, adding the carbs would slow the intake.
Will look in to it matey
No! The opposite!! Adding carbs (fast acting ones) will create an insulin spike which will then speed up the delivery of nutrients to the muscles.
Fat on the other hand would slow things down
Yep, it's a great combo.
25g whey 50g dextrose
But fast acting carbs WITH protein?