Going to start going on a Bulk fairly soon, as going on a course soon so I doubt I'll get to go on holiday anyway.
Going to order some fine scottish oats, some peanut butter and flax oil.
Thinking two scoops powder, 1 (or 2) scottish oats, 2 table spoons of peanut putter and teaspoon of flax oil should see me for a good 600kcal+ not worked it out totally yet.
Already ordered some fast acting carbs (dextrose and Maltodextrin) for my PWO shake.
Thinking two shakes a day (plus one PWO after everyworkout), added on to a new diet plan for a good few months should see me get over 90kgs. Definatly time for me to nail my diet down, its been decent for a while but not great. Not going to worry about macros, just less ****, no fizzy drinks. More Low G.I carbs, more meat and loads more fruit and veg.