Same as, never taken a pre-workout shake, not felt the need. And quite frankly, I'd rather not have to recommend on some drink to give me a buzz before my workout and then become dependent on it.
I'm also starting to wonder if there is a real need for a pre-workout supplement. Unless you take it every session is it really going to make a difference in the long-term? Or is it just a placebo?
Really it's best used sparingly, otherwise your body gets accustomed to the effects of it anyway. However, I'd say it's definitely got a place on those days where sometimes you just don't feel up to it - a couple of scoops can definitely send you in the right direction.
As part of a daily pre-workout supp, then no, I don't think it's needed. If you feel it is, you've got issues elsewhere - poor diet or not enough sleep.
I basically use it as Monkee says, it's great for a boost and helped to get me started after my depression and relapse, after also being told I won't be able to do anything.
Like I said I also cycle it sometimes, one week on, one week off.
Your body does get use to it, rather fast as well.
It has done wonders for me, especially lately.