Yes I'm just about to finish my 5k tub of straberry and it was discusting! Making me gag everytime I was trying to drink it but I wasn't going to waste it so I used it all up and now im going back to MP and not trying a different supplement ever again.
Matrix anabolic protein. It's a big black tub. Other flavours may be ok but im not going to chance it again.
I've used Recovery XS and like it a lot, seems better value than the equivalent from IS.
I actually use whey and dextrose
It's waxy maize starch instead of dextrose.
I don't have anything at the moment. I can notice a massive difference not having something to smash in after the gym, just try to get a mars bar or something with sugar in straight after the gym for the moment.
just try to get a mars bar or something with sugar in straight after the gym for the moment.
Sorry mate but not having carbs post workout is silly. Even in the strictest cutting diets, they are more important than protein in a PWO shake. Sure the world won't end without them but then again the world won't end by skipping a PWO completely so...
Sorry mate but not having carbs post workout is silly. Even in the strictest cutting diets, they are more important than protein in a PWO shake. Sure the world won't end without them but then again the world won't end by skipping a PWO completely so...
Mars bars have lots of fats in them - the last thing you want in your post workout drink.
I'm all for throwing a sweet cheat in the post workout drink though. Cake icing, jellies, sugar packed sweets, jam, honey - sure they won't be as good as dextrose but they'll be close enough and you'll enjoy the treat whilst still giving you that desired insulin spike.
If you are a diet robot that has no problem in sticking to his extremely dull regimen then disregard the above.
For the rest of us who are human - enjoy yourselves. anything with tons of sugar and low fat.
Of course you will get on just fine, as you pointed out you get on just fine with no whey at all.
Supplements are not some magic ingredient that does wonders (well at least not the regular type of "supplements") they contribution is limited to 2-5%.
But taking whey without carbs post workout means that you are doing it wrong, a simple Google of "importance of carbohydrates post workout" will bring out countless articles supporting this.
When you are lifting naturally progress is extremely slow after the initial noob gains are gone and thus I for one wouldn't want to rob myself of any progress no matter how small by not having that post workout shake. But that's just me.
Don't take this the wrong way, I have a lot of respect for you as a lifter and I was amazed by the numbers you were pushing in terms of power/weight ratio - I only want the above to be taken as constructive criticism.