Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Pretty much.

I'd gladly eat food, just having a shake PWO when I get home, and some before bed is five times easier for me.
TReat them like food and there isn't really a problem with them, other than a complete absence of dietary fibre. :)

If taking additional supplements (creatine, whatever) with the shakes, this can increase the risk of additive side effects (cramping from creatine, parasthesia from beta alanine, and really smelly **** from too much undigested protein. :) ).
Made my meal replacement 'Scooby' bars at the weekend.

Need to get a picture up as they look exactly like a crusty turd :D:D

For the next batch crunchy peanut butter is a must and a little less milk so they set a little harder, like a boner rather than a turd.

I don't mind supplementation - I just don't advocate taking shakes every day unless you need to supplement your diet owing to issues (be they time or money).

I always have a chunky PWO shake with protein, dextrose, malt dex, creatine and l glut straight after my workout at the gym. My workout if at the work gym finishes around 6pm so I need sustenance as by the time I've driven home, had a shower and cooked a good 90mins would have passed. If working out at my other gym in town (10pm fisnish) then I have the shake straight afterwards and it's my last meal before bed.
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What pre-workout supplement are people rocking these days? I'm doing a coffee at the moment but want an extra boost for my comp training. Anyone tried the new jack3d?
ephedrine all the way for me, huge boost of VO2max

For somebody that isn't concerned about WADA testing, it's the only way to fly.

Caffeine is pretty much the only thing that has a defined effect for naturals, but I've ready some sort of positive things (evidence isn't substantial) for DMAE. I personally wouldn't take it, but hey.
What pre-workout supplement are people rocking these days? I'm doing a coffee at the moment but want an extra boost for my comp training. Anyone tried the new jack3d?

I miss pre workouts :(

Training in the evening blows

Brb taking pre workout then not getting to sleep until 3am
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