Tabletop Warhammer?

Yeah that's fine :)

Clarty and Newts make sure you've set up your army in the Player 1 slot, me and John will deploy from Player 2. Also to avoid your forces being on top of each other when you load them up one player should set his army on the right of the player screen and the other on the left! (John I've set mine up on the right of a maximised player 2 screen :))

Looking forward to this :)

Oh also Clarty make sure you have Mumble installed if you don't already!
Just used battlescribe to create tonights army lists. Wow so easy! sod doing it by hand :P

Shami: was able to bring a few more toys with me after doing it in battle scribe :) few more pop, wizz, boomy things.
It's going to save me scribbling up random lists on notepads and opponents querying choices because they can't quite read my handwriting! :p

Trying to build up my SM list now and I just can't fit in all the things I want at 1500pts. Wondering if I could just run a single-HQ force and only use a Chaplain. Kinda worried that he only has two wounds, but I don't want to be without and the Captain costs a bit more money. I'm not sure what value he brings to a Terminator squad, but I could see the 150pts being useful elsewhere (that's two Rhinos and a third Landspeeder, which could be handy). Always hated this part of the game. :p
I keep changing mine :p

You don't want a second HQ unit as SM until you get above 2k points imo. (There are a couple of exceptions to this, notably rune priests)
Hmm, I guess I could try it. I'm just worried that the Chaplain might not make it, which could cause some problems, although he'll be a part of the Assault Squad I plan to take.
Maybe I will. Could you link me to the Vassal info so I can get it set up? :)

Of course:

You need to make sure you've installed Vassal and the 40k 5.4f module (guide here)

Then you need to create an army list and set it up in Vassal (Guide here) Have an army list saved in notepad as well as you will need it. You could also use the BattleScribe program (link here) to create army lists. HOWEVER, I would double check it against the relevant codex as it is possible to create illegal army lists in it. Also please note we are playing 5th edition rules.

It also might be a good idea to read this tutorial. It runs you through one turn on Vassal so you can get an idea how things work.

I've hosted all the information you should need on my Dropbox, please email me if you'd like access :)

We also use the PC gaming mumble server (details in sticky in PC forum) for chat so you might want to set that up if you haven't got it.

It all looks more complicated than it actually is, once you've done a turn or two it becomes very simple to use.

Courtesy of Shami (I won't steal the credit :p)
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