Tabletop Warhammer?

Well it was a 1-1 draw, despite almost killing the enemy to a man I wasn't forward enough and couldn't contest their objective! Lesson of the day is, remember what the objective is. You only get points for killing in 1 game type!

One more turn and my commander would have contested the objective and nailed a 1-0 win :(

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Yep, wasn't so fun for the Orks and Space Marines who spent several turns carefully hiking around the difficult terrain! (My C'tan has an ability that makes difficult terrain dangerous) and they were too scared to risk a few deaths walking over it!
I can't think why I would be cautious around dangerous terrain... :p

I was really disappointed with the Terminators (and my woeful reserve rolls, too). At just over 600 points for them and the Chaplain, they really didn't do anything but draw fire and die. I don't think two units of them is going to work out in 1500pts as I really was missing a fast-moving unit like the Assault Marines and once you'd turned my Landspeeders against one another it really created some issues for me. There are good points in both of the lists I've played, I just need to find the right balance and maybe try out some other units.

I definitely want to keep the Scouts for at least one more game, because they could be a bit of a nuisance, I just need to deploy them better in future. That was not my best move... :o

I'm also tempted to try out some other armies, though (I know I only have until Thursday so it is quite likely I will be running Marines in those games), to see if there's anything else I like. I've played Eldar, Guard and CSM before, but never Dark Eldar, Tyranids or Tau, so one of those could be fun. :)
I'm just glad they didn't scatter into terrain! :p

But yeah. The Deep Strike rule is sort of a double-edged sword, I guess. On the one hand, it did allow me to get within range of an objective, but as we saw, it also left me wide open to all your firepower which ultimately meant they stood no chance of making it into range to contest it. The other problem is the only transport they can take is a Land Raider and they cost more than the squad itself, so that doesn't help things.

I do feel like I'm starting to see which units are good at stuff and what their downfalls are, so with any luck the more experience I get, the better my list and tactics will become. :)

Edit: It does appear I still need to keep reading through even my own Codex, though. I've just noticed that Terminators are Relentless (wouldn't have made any difference last night), for example! So much to hold in my head. :o
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Yes, you really need to know your own codex cover to cover. No excuse for not knowing your own unit's rules at the very least. In a friendly tournament like this I (and I would hope most people) will usually point out if you've missed something but we can't know all codexes off by heart!

Personally I try and read my opposition codex before each game so I understand what everything in their army list can do, it can have a massive impact on a game when something ends up in combat with your prize unit and they all have power weapons and you didn't know this!
Yeah. I know most parts of it, but there are some things I've never used in this Codex so it's still going to take some time to get it all down. I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable taking a Techmarine or Thunderfire Cannon at the moment, for example.

I think my bigger issue is with the main rules (universal special rules, weapon rules etc.) as it's a big pain to try to flick through the PDF version easily. I have a list of useful page numbers but that doesn't cover everything, so I might have to try and pick up a copy of the 5th Ed. book on eBay if we're going to be playing at that version for a significant amount of time. :)
I might have a small problem. I'm away all week and forgot to submit my list before I left. I won't be back until Friday, can I submit my list then :o
I might have a small problem. I'm away all week and forgot to submit my list before I left. I won't be back until Friday, can I submit my list then :o

I'm afraid you'll have to face the consequences.

I'll roll for a random army and then each other competitor picks one unit for the army.

(I'll allow it :p) In which case I'll extend the deadline for everyone to friday at 6pm if they need it.
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