Tabletop Warhammer?

Most things actually, it's got a really fine tip so it's great for detail work but it's large enough for most surfaces. I have other paint brushes for washes and dry brushing and larger surface areas.
Been a quieter afternoon at work so been thinking about the 40k that I have at home.

I HAVE SO MUCH TO PAINT! It's quite worrying when I think about how much I have.

What am I doing Friday you ask?

Buying more models.........

It's a truely vicious cycle.
Cheers Shami, you can laugh at my ineptitude.

Woogie- I've just looked at your army and cried. If my lasguns miraculously kill something you have a 50% chance of negating said wound! Lets hope my tanks stay around long enough to do some damage
Remember though, feel no pain doesn't work against AP1, 2 or anything that ignores armour saves. It's also not ideal against mass gunfire, they can only save so many.
That looks like a general mid size brush (size 0), larger brushes like 1 and 2 would be for covering large areas, whilst smaller ones (00 and 000) would be for detail.

I'm currently using a 2 to do the first red on a bloodcrusher as it's the first colour after the primer and I can tidy up with the next colour where needed :) (IE on edges and non red areas).

Whilst talking about daemons, it sounds like there is a new codex going up for pre-order this week - which is handy as I'll be going away for a weekend of gaming in July and taking my daemons (so plenty of time to learn the new codex, especially as I've largely forgotten the current one:p)
If a vehicle has the scout ability and the unit inside it doesn't I assume it can still scout if it wants?

Yep it confers the scout ability on the squad inside (as long as they're in it) This also works in reverse as long as it's a dedicated transport (so a unit can scout with their transport)
Cool, I thought that was the case but wanted to clarify.

The rules are a lot simpler than when i played 2nd edition. So looking forward to seeing how it plays. It looks a lot more like Warhammer Fantasy in the way that units move, assualt fire etc
I have done my bike I just need to do tiny details but would like to see what people think

That biker looks amazing. :eek:


I've only just bought these and they are both making painting so much easier. I think I'm in love. Somehow managed to guess what looks to be a perfect ratio of flow release to water, so now I'm wondering if I will be able to replicate that in the next dropper bottle I fill up... :o

Edit: If you're only painting part of a single model, it's probably best not to use the retarder at all. >.>
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In game 2, the Chaos force of Woogie beats the Imperial Guard force of Brabbinho by 1 objective to 0! Incredibly close game, I'll do a battle report tomorrow evening.
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