Tabletop Warhammer?

Walked in to get a couple of paints this afternoon to add to what I have, may have walked out with a doomwheel after reminding myself I can get a screaming bell online a lot cheaper ...


That reminds me of part of the reason I try to avoid going in too often, I always seem to come out with something I had no intention of buying yet, but saw and thought "ooh shiny".

Tau Battleforce, various army books, Skaven army, various bits of scenery...
Well the Necrons beat the Dark Eldar in an Annihilation game. I'll write up a battle report tomorrow morning. Game had a fun end (a 3 turn brawl between Incubi, Wyches, Wraiths, Scarabs and Anrakyr the Traveller :D)
So, I've learned three things.

1) Feel No Pain and 3+ saves is awesome.
2) Dark Eldar out in the open is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea.
3) Having the Necron Lord take over your vehicle is always hilarious. Always.

I was massacred. But it was fun and the complex combat towards the end was highly entertaining. :D

Sadly I couldn't pop open his vehicles and expose his troops, which left me stood mostly in the middle of the board in range of all his guns. We discovered that I'm not really good at saving on 5+/6+ units... :p

That reminds me of part of the reason I try to avoid going in too often, I always seem to come out with something I had no intention of buying yet, but saw and thought "ooh shiny".

Tau Battleforce, various army books, Skaven army, various bits of scenery...

Yep normally I'm really restrained. But I just love the model. And work on it is plugging along. However the real funny bit is its not even in the army list I've written up :/
Yeah me too! I'm abit rubbish on the rules but I know most of it. I've been telling drumunster about it but he's at work so ill have to let him know how I get on lol
JHeaton's Dark Eldar vs Shamikebab's Necrons – 1500pts

The mission was Annihilation with a standard deployment. JHeaton won the role and decided to let me go first. The Necrons deployed a Ghost Ark filled with Warriors, two Annihilation Barges and Anrakyr on his Command Barge behind the forest to the left, the wraiths deployed in the forest ahead of them. On the right flank the two Scarab squads deployed in the ruins with the third Annihilation Barge in support. The final Ghost Ark stayed in reserve.

The Dark Eldar deployed 2 Raiders on the left (filled with Warriors and Wyches) supported by the Ravager and a squad of Hellions. On the right two more Raiders (with Wracks and Warriors) deployed behind the trees. JHeaton rolled a 6 for his combat drugs, giving the Hellions Feel No Pain and the Wyches Feel No Pain and Furious Charge!

Turn 1:

The Necrons waited... (Yes I might have been intimidated by the amount of Dark Lances) The only movement were the Scarabs making their way through the ruins (I completely forgot that difficult terrain is 2D6 not one and thus spent a few turns moving very slowly....doh.)

The Dark Eldar on the left advanced from behind the woods, the Ravager skirted the hill, staying in cover. The Hellions advanced behind the power plant in the centre. The Necron's Solar Pulse meant that the Dark Eldar, keen though their eyesight is, couldn't find any targets.


Turn 2:

The second Ghost Ark came on in the centre of the Necron line. The other Ghost Ark and one of the Annihilation Barges moved alongside it. Anrakyr and an Annihilation Barge advanced onto the hill. Anrakyr reaching out his mind to override the targeting controls of the Disintegrator cannon on the prow of the Warrior's Raider, causing it to fire on the Raider of the nearby Wyches! The deadly weapon easily penetrated the lightly armoured skimmer causing a catastrophic explosions. When the smoke cleared the Wyches had fled from the wreckage, leaving three of their number dead. The Annihilation Barge then opened fire on the Warrior's Raider, wrecking it with Tesla fire. One unit of Scarabs had worked their way down the right flank and charged the Warrior's Raider, their sharp metal teeth easily munched through the light armour, causing the skiff to explode. Three Warriors died in the explosion and one Scarab was wounded.


The Wrack's Raider fled from the destruction of the Raider alongside it, taking cover behind the Power plant in the centre. The Ravager flew over the woods, landing alongside the wrecked Raider and opened fire on Anrakyr. Three beams of dark light struggled to find the skimmer behind the trees, only one beam glancing it (One beam penetrated but thankfully for me I passed my saving throw!) The glancing beam obviously caught something vital and the engine on the ancient vehicle died! As the gunners looked on horrified the engines suddenly recovered and the skimmer appeared unharmed! ( Anrakyr used Symbiotic Repair to ignore the result, taking a wound himself) The Hellions and Wyches advanced towards the Necrons, unable to hurt the advanced armour of the vehicles. The Warrior's also advanced from their wrecked transport, the warrior carrying the Blaster opened fire on Anrakyr but failed to hit. On the right flank the Warrior squad opened fire on the Scarabs at point blank range, killing two bases and causing two wounds to a third.


Turn 3:

Anrakyr flew flat out over the Ravager, sweeping with his Warscythe at the exposed rear armour, the legendary Necron failed to hit with all three of his attacks though! The annihilation barge on the hill opened fire on the exposed Warriors, killing five. They stubbornly held their ground. The second command barge flanked the hill with a Ghost Ark and both opened fire on the Hellions, even with Feel No Pain the Eldar couldn't withstand a hail of Tesla and Gauss fire and were utterly destroyed. The wraiths decided to avoid the enraged Wyches and advanced in a different direction, which just happened to be away from the deadly combatants. The Scarabs in the ruins advanced onto the hilltop, scanning for targets to eat. The Annihilation Barge (which I kept forgetting about) remained in cover behind the hill. The scarabs after withstanding the Dark Eldar gunfire charged the remaining warriors, killing 3 and losing one bases in return. The Dark Eldar lost their nerve and ran from the battle.


The Dark Eldar turn began with much needed reinforcements. The Incubi advanced on their raider down the left flank to support the Wyches, the Razorwing Jetfighter flew down the centre of the battle field, opening fire on the exposed Scarabs on the hilltop to the right. The Monoscythe Missile was devastating, killing all but one of the Scarab bases. Unfortunately for the fighter, the remaining scarab was out of sight so avoided any further gunfire. The Ravager advanced on the Annihilation Barges but once again failed to damage the machines in an appalling display of marksmanship. The Blaster in the Warrior squad also failed to hit. The Wracks advanced over the Power plant and disembarked from their Raider. The Wyches ran through the thick forest attempting to assault the Wraiths, but fell short.


Turn 4:

Anrakyr swept over the newly arrived Razorwing but again failed to hit! He then took over the vehicle and fired 3 missiles and two Disintegrators at the rear armour of the Ravager in front of it...somehow all that firepower only stunned the crew. The two Annihilation Barges also opened fire on the Ravager and the Warriors, two more Eldar fell but the Ravager again survived! The third Annihilation Barge moved onto the hill and, combined with the two Ghost Arks opened fire on the Wracks, killing them all. The remaining scarabs advanced towards the Raider and Razorwing and assaulted the vehicles. The sole scarab base attacking the Raider Immobilized the vehicle, the three bases charging the Razorwing however destroyed the flyer completely. The The scarabs were wounded from the resultant explosion. The wraiths multi charged the two remaining Warriors and the Ravager in the centre. Striking first due to Whip Coils two of the Wraiths killed one Warrior who failed to kill any in return. The four remaining Wraiths destroyed the Ravager and the explosion killed off the remaining warrior.


Only the Wyches, Incubi and two Raider's (one immobilized) remained. The Wyches advanced from the trees alongside the disembarked Incubi towards the Wraiths. Both squads charged but hampered by the Whip Coils and the Wraiths phase shifting nature killed one beast and wounded a second. The Wraiths retaliated and killed a single Incubi.

Turn 5:

With few targets available, Anrakyr fired, aiming his one shot Tachyon Arrow at the abandoned Incubi Raider. The strength 10 weapon easily destroying the light transport. The Annihilation Barges all opened fire on the immobilized Raider in the open, wrecking the vehicle. The Scarabs joined the mass brawl in the centre, charging the Incubi. The Wyches and Incubi were more effective this turn, killing 3 Wraiths. The Scarabs wounded the Incubi but their thick armour saved them. The Wraiths killed another two.


The Wyches killed another Wraith and the Incubi wounded the final one. In return the Wraith and Scarabs failed to penetrate the Incubi armour.

Turn 6:

Anrakyr disembarked from his Barge and charged the remaining Incubi, cutting one down with his Warscythe. The Wyches and Incubi again failed to hit the remaining Wraith which was hanging on with 1 wound!

The Wyches and Incubi finally finished off the lone wraith and Anrakyr killed the final Incubi, ending the combat (as the Wyches were only in combat with the Wraiths, not the Scarabs and Anrakyr)

Turn 7:

Three Annihilation Barges, Two Ghost Arks filled with Warriors and the Command Barge which had been patiently watching the combat for 3 turns all opened fire on the newly exposed Wyches, unsurprisingly the lightly armoured warriors all died, leaving no Dark Eldar alive.


Final Score:

Necrons - 15
Dark Eldar – 1


Although the result was one sided, a couple of key moments really turned the battle. Not moving flat out with his vehicles on his first turn meant none of them had their 4+ save from the resultant Necron fire. He was also exceptionally unlucky with his Dark Lance firing against my vehicles. The Ravager in particular, failing to kill a single vehicle despite having three lances firing a turn!

You know, it looks even more painful than it felt! :p

Also, feeling a bit stupid. In the Dark Eldar models section of Vassal, there is actually a Pain Token counter. :o

Ugh, I need a paint shaker. My arm is starting to hurt. :(
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