Tabletop Warhammer?

It really depends on what you're looking at. For example, the "regular" Dreadnoughts aren't such a bad price. A Mk IV Venerable with two arms will come to £43; the detail is much higher than the standard GW plastic kit and will generally draw attention. For a centrepiece model or something, it's not a bad price because the quality is good. But when you start looking at putting a whole army together (Elysians, Death Korps, Corsairs, Legion etc.) then you're looking at spending thousands instead of hundreds and that's where it really hurts. :(

Yeah I agree for a centrepiece model, I might be tempted by one of the dreads some day (when my painting skill has improved and I can do it justice!)
If they release a Mortarion model a Death Legion army could be on the cards.

Really nice stuff and will keep an eye on releases, might treat myself to the codex come birthday/xmas time.

I believe one is on the way. :o

*spots models*
OMG those models are awesome!

*spots price*
OMG I am going to need to re-mortgage the house.

I actually priced a 1500pt force up once and very nearly cried. :p
They'll do all the Primarchs, I might be tempted by then.

I don't really like the Loken and Abaddon models though. Loken doesn't look at all how I imagined.
Sorry for the re-post.
Has anyone bought from WaylandGames? Putting an order together, but would like to know if anyone has had dealings with them before.

Very good range. Usually fine but expect a lengthy wait on anything that's not listed as in stock.
Very good range. Usually fine but expect a lengthy wait on anything that's not listed as in stock.

Wayland games from what I have been able to research appear to do just in time stock ordering for GW which is why the delivery times can be slow. Personally I'm happy to pay a little more for faster service so I have avoided. I went to their warehouse a couple of weekends ago where they have a shop and was shocked how little they have.

As for GW prices, I console myself with the thinking when I was a kid buying this stuff it was half the price, but then petrol has also doubled in price so it must just be inflation! :p
I got to say me and clarticus had a match (with models) nids and CSM and the game was 1500pts and perge the Alien match. Very good game and I love the nids they put up a good fight match was a tie and I will do a battle report and put it in Dropbox for people to read lol I cnt wait to see the difference in my Orc army too now lol
So what games do we have scheduled for this week/weekend? I might take a week off from the league to let everyone catch up with the games. Anyone fancy a friendly? Maybe someone not in the league who is interested in Season 2?
well i am up for it but i aint off this week lol i have a week off next week if ya fancy it lol ill need to find out what the missus is working lol.
I cannot do anytime during the week this week unless we start before 7pm as It is killing me going to bed later than 9ish as I have to be up at 5am for work lol.

I am away this weekend back in Birmingham to see my Mum as its Mothersday this Sunday.

CSM is me Clarty :)

I need to play both DE players and Necrons :)
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Games left to play:

Woogie, Newts, Brabbinho

Brabbinho, Woogie

Newts, JHeaton, Clarty, Me

JHeaton, Clarty, Brabbinho

Brabbinho, Woogie, Newts

Clarty, JHeaton, Me
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