Tabletop Warhammer?

Well the new miniature for Sammael (Dark Angel Ravenwing Master) is very nice. I use GW but there are plenty of alternatives, P3 and Vallejo for example.
Mostly Vallejo here, but I have the odd P3, GW and Coat d'Arms paints in my collection, too. I really find it easier to work with the Vallejo stuff, personally.
Thing is GW will be destroying there business long time and they either do not seem to understand this or do not care. Its a sad state of affairs and I for 1 will not order anything directly from GW unless I absolutely have to. This whole Mythreal order shambles is a classic example of how GW are screwing small independent companies.
To be fair, why should GW have to let people re-sell their products? If you make your own product, surely it's down to you where you sell it?
Didn't know they did that! In which case, boo. I buy about one model a year so it doesn't really affect me :p

Yeah. If they don't want to have others sell their product (or at least be able to do so in a way that's competitive), just don't open trade accounts and supply them. If they buy at the full GW price, they'd never sell anything (other than in bitz sales, anyway). But to dictate how you can sell, who you can sell to etc. is just wrong, in my opinion.
I'm honestly amazed they're still around, and I think doing ok finanacially. Look at each area of the business, for example:

Miniatures - Quality and price, availability of individual components.
Black Library
White Dwarf

Black Library is the only area in which I'd say they've improved in the last 5/10 years and even then that is on the downward slope recently. I bought a recent White Dwarf....what the hell has happened to that?? White Dwarf used to be an excellent read with enthralling Battle Reports (Stand out one for me was fought over two issues, three different gameboards and 8 armies! It had Blood Angels, IG and Salamanders on the main board against **** tonne of Orks then White Scars against Cult of speed on a flank board then an IG Artillery army holding off a Fighta Bomba squadron on another board (they had Bassilisks who could fire onto the main board! It was amazing, with little stories throughout.) Now you get 90% advertising and then a 2 page battle report where they don't even tell you what happens each turn! You know things are bad when I can knock out a better battle report in an hour or so. Miniatures are priced out of the reach of most of the target audience, quality has nosedived with 'fine'cast and if you want to convert stuff? Better buy multiple boxsets, because GW sure as hell don't want to sell you individual bits and are doing their best to stop anyone else doing it as well.
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I must admit I would like them to go busy as I think what would grow out of the ruins would be better.

Plus even if the miniature side failed the IP and books etc would keep going at the least underground as the community is the best at doing the really new and edgy stuff.

Annoying but we are stuck with what we have :p
I flicked through a white dwarf a couple of weeks ago (first time in years) and what a pile of crap it was. Had no structure to it at all, adverts and the battle report was a mess containing the odd photo of the models at an angle where you can't see what else is going on in the game. I dread to think how much they charge for that too.

Black library are now taking the **** with the horus heresy series. Bringing out three versions of each book now so if people who want the standard paperback they have to wait even longer or stump up the extra money to get the earlier release
The thing is, I don't play (well except vassal) I don't have anyone I know that plays near me and have no urge to spend hundreds and hundreds on an army. Warmachine is apparently a better game and I may paint some of the models some day. Infinity intrigues me more than Warmachine.

I would rather they go bust and the IP goes to someone better. The best thing about 40k is the world and the story, but as long as it's being used to sell models the story has to remain basically static, with the races in deadlock. Think of how well it could be used if the IP was allowed to progress! We could find out just what is happening with the Golden Throne, are the Tyranids fleeing from something? Will the Necrons ever properly get out of bed? Is Alpharius/Omegon still alive?

I think the best example of it's potential is the Horus Heresy and Inquisition books for two reasons. Horus Heresy because it's in the past so they can progress the story as much as they like without affecting the current meta (in fact they can sell even more models, Heresy era) and Inquisition books because the scale is small enough that great stories can be told without affecting the universe at large.
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Black library are now taking the **** with the horus heresy series. Bringing out three versions of each book now so if people who want the standard paperback they have to wait even longer or stump up the extra money to get the earlier release

Unfortunately this is a reality of modern publishing. Pretty much all successful authors now have a 3 book release for each title:

Hardback -> Trade paperback (large version) -> paperback

With the success of their horus novels and Dan Abnett's, Black Library decided to follow this route too.
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