Tabletop Warhammer?

I ordered end of Feb too. Its been 6 weeks!

Once I receive my order, I'm going to leave a message of warning on their fb page. Outrageous behaviour on their part. I've never dealt with a retailer like it.
I've reached the conclusion that I would quite like to have a complete collection of the codices as they're updated for 6th, and what this has taught me is to avoid TW/Myth and order elsewhere! I don't mind slow delivery as I don't aim to play with them, just want them for the fluff and completeness, but the length they're taking is a little bit too far. Especially when they took over £100 from me at the beginning and I have nothing to show for it still.
Yeah, I don't mind genuine issues with supply problems etc but TW are just telling a pack of lies to all waiting customers. After two weeks of waiting for my order I sent an email asking what's going on and was told my stuff will be shipped in the next few days once the next delivery from GW has arrived. Heard nothing so emailed again (4 weeks since order) finally got response after nudging them on fb and was told due to their server problems my order was delayed, an order I made 4 weeks before their server went down!! I was then told it would be shipped last saturday only to find it its been 'shipped' today.

You try ringing them and you get the answering machine telling you to email them instead. You see loads of messages daily on their fb page from people wanting to know what's happened to their order, these are swiftly deleted.

They clearly cannot meet their demand and yet are carrying on offering 30% off all GW knowing full well that they will not deliver said orders for 6-8 weeks!! I have absolutely no idea how they remain in business, conducting themselves like this!

I shall be using giftforgeeks in future

I shall be using giftforgeeks in future

Good choice, in my opinion. I haven't had a problem with them so far. I'm still waiting on part of an order to be shipped, but they informed me about this straight away and shipped all of the items that were in stock immediately. They were also quick to answer questions and provide any information. Nice bunch. :)

My votes:

Commander: Shami, very strong tactics and a perfect record.
Army: Brabbinho, pretty much what I imagine a Guard army would be like.
Fair Play: Woogie (also, special mention for playing whilst under the weather :p).
Unit: Uggghhhhhhhh. I wanted my Incubi to perform so awesomely that they would be the one unit everyone feared, but they only really shone in one game, so this probably goes to the Wraiths. They're nasty. :o

My desk is getting rather cramped now. I have paints, auxiliary products, airbrush gear everywhere... And I'm going to need to start maintaining two extra sets of brushes and stuff shortly, as I want some of the Vallejo Liquid Gold paints (alcohol-based) and to make up some oil paint-based washes which will require white spirit. I need a room twice the size of this one! :(

More bad lighting, but I think the shading looks a little better now. I used 1:1 Army Painter Matt Black and Reaper Bloodstain Red for that. I also added a second highlight using 1:1 Formula P3 Khador Red Base and Reaper Carnage Red, but again using the big brush for everything is my downfall and I don't think that the two stages are visible.
Thanks. It still doesn't feel right, but I think that's probably because the rest of the model is still grey... :o

Hopefully I'll get lucky and my order from SnM Stuff will arrive tomorrow. :)
:mad: :mad: :mad:

Vallejo Model Color Deep Green, Light Green, Yellow Ochre and Vermillion. Four colours that I would really find useful for airbrush use. All contain cadmium and a warning label saying not to spray. :(

In better news, I have picked up a bottle of their Rust wash from the Model Wash range, which should be interesting for the weapons on the cultists. Looks like I have a fun day of painting ahead of me! Just a shame I may have to do the Dark Angels by hand... :p
Assembled the famous headless Wolf Guard! (I think I'll paint the heads separately)

Fun kit to work with, a lot of pose options and the details are really nice. My favourite model is the twin Lightning Claws 'Come at me Bro' pose, a little bit of green stuff to get the pose right.

Haha I noticed the 'come at me bro' pose straight away. Love it.

I am currently painting some orks after putting them off. I'll hopefully get some pics up at some point this weekend
Pro tip: don't apply liquid mask in hard-to-reach places...

Edit: Done some shading and highlighting with the airbrush today, since I was feeling a litle adventurous. I'm not sure I'm happy with it, but it did turn out better than I thought it would, at least. As soon as my desk is clear and I can get some decent light to it, I'll try to take a picture of the Chosen. I have ended up doing an entirely different colour scheme to the one I had planned, though. :o
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