I shall be using giftforgeeks in future
Good choice, in my opinion. I haven't had a problem with them so far. I'm still waiting on part of an order to be shipped, but they informed me about this straight away and shipped all of the items that were in stock immediately. They were also quick to answer questions and provide any information. Nice bunch.
My votes:
Commander: Shami, very strong tactics and a perfect record.
Army: Brabbinho, pretty much what I imagine a Guard army would be like.
Fair Play: Woogie (also, special mention for playing whilst under the weather
Unit: Uggghhhhhhhh. I wanted my Incubi to perform so awesomely that they would be the one unit everyone feared, but they only really shone in one game, so this probably goes to the Wraiths. They're nasty.
My desk is getting rather cramped now. I have paints, auxiliary products, airbrush gear everywhere... And I'm going to need to start maintaining two extra sets of brushes and stuff shortly, as I want some of the Vallejo Liquid Gold paints (alcohol-based) and to make up some oil paint-based washes which will require white spirit. I need a room twice the size of this one!