Tabletop Warhammer?

First of all a disclaimer, I know very little about Grey Knights. They didn't exist as an army the last time I played and I only really know that they are a beefed up Psychic Space Marines list.

That being said, 16 models is not a lot for an army. I had 41 and 1 of those was a Monstrous Creature. It's possible that Grey Knights simply aren't suited to low point battles.

Making a list

While I don't really use this table when making a list, it's the kind of thing I'm thinking about when I choose units. Broadly speaking this covers every threat you can face on the table (you could add in Monstrous Creatures as a new entry) I've included some units/weapons that fit each category best from the Space Marine codex (as I figure it's a codex most people are familiar with)

I've then tried to put Newts and my armies into the table to see what can take on what. Obviously my weakness is Assault, this is just something you have to accept when playing Tau! Other than that I've got at least 2 units that can threaten every armour (in our case AV13+ was banned so that wasn't a problem)

Newt's list on the other hand is VERY strong in assault...but has only 2 threats at over 24" The Psycannon in the Terminator squad and the Heavy Bolter on the Razorback. It's difficult to have a broad range of options with such a high point per model army at a low point level.

Another couple of things I take into account when picking a list is I try and have either a very mobile unit or a unit that can outflank (in this case I had the Kroot which wasn't a great option but the Tau are limited in this area at low point levels) This gives you more options at threatening objectives in the opposition half and also back field danger units (Long Fangs for example)

Newts list was strong in this area, all 3 squads can deep strike, and he had a Razorback to add some mobility.

We rolled The Emperor's Will (one objective each in our half) and a Vanguard deployment.


I won the roll and choose to go (and deploy) first (I usually choose to go second which is a habit I need to break)

I set my army up with my troop choices in cover (I had forgotten about the Kroot at this point but they infiltrated to the trees on the right), my long range options (Broadsides and Riptide) covering as much area as possible and my two pathfinders advanced forwards ready to stick some markerlights down.

Newts deployed his Razorback (with one squad) partially behind cover, terminators and librarian on the objective and deep striked one squad. 6th edition only lets you keep half (rounding up) of your units in reserve, Newts has 5 units (3 squads, razorback and librarian) so he could have deep striked the terminators and librarian as well if he wanted to. I probably would have, as one squad coming down is going to lack support.

First turn

Most was out of range but I fired my Markerlights at the Razorback and then used them to fire the seeker missiles on the Broadsides at the Razorback (I must admit we made a mistake here, the Razorback should have got a cover save from one of the missiles) anyway the missiles destroyed the Razorback and left 2/3 of the army with a long walk.

Again we made a mistake and rolled for reserves on the first turn! (Newts hasn't played 6th edition before and I wasn't paying attention) The Grey Knights deepstriked in and the Riptide used it's interceptor ability to fire an overcharged ion accelerator large blast. This hit and should have killed 4 of the 5 man squads (I mistakenly thought I couldn't kill models out of LOS but having read up on it Blast weapons can) anyway 1 died. The remainder shot at the fire warriors and killed 2.

Second turn

The fire warriors, aided by the Cadre Fireblade shot 30 Strength 5 shots into 4 marines and slaughtered them.

Newts conceded at this point.

So what went wrong after deployment?

Newts didn't know about the interceptor rule, it's a new codex and he hasn't played 6th edition so fair enough.

But the biggest mistake for me was leaving his Terminator squad and Librarian (with 2 short range psychic powers) sitting on an objective at the back. This was 410 points out of a 750 point army, doing the same thing a 75 point scout squad can do.

With such a close range focussed army I would have placed the objective as far forward as possible, you don't want your expensive assault troops sitting at the back babysitting an objective. Razorback should have started out of Line of Sight to avoid fire then first turn moved flat out behind the building in the centre (where I would have stuck the objective) this would then let you have one squad on the objective within firing range (and a Razorback for fire support) The two deep striking squads could then have come down in my fire line to threaten my objective. It still would have been a difficult fight but this would probably have been the best chance of victory.

I hope this helps give a look into how I go about a battle. Hopefully I don't come across as thinking I'm perfect, I make plenty of mistakes (my appalling use of jetbikes in the game against Gooner springs to mind!)
What do you consider to be really pricey? Cheapest I've seen it is Gifts for Geeks, but it's currently out of stock. Both SnM Stuff and Models For Sale have it in stock at what I'd say is a decent enough price, and also here on eBay with free shipping.

Yeah GFG is where I saw it at a "good price". The other places I've found are around £160. the main issue I have is compatibility with paints and selection. the original Citadel paint set had 73 colours, but the new range is bigger I think but no paint set....

- GP
Is it not much easier to just buy the paints you want? The paint sets you'll always end up with some paints you'll either never or rarely use.

I can guarantee you I use all the paints. My last mega paint set had everything replaced at least once or twice. I tended to buy models to paint as well as just for specific armies so the range of colours needed was very broad

- GP
So, the new High Elves stuff is available to pre-order and...meh. They still haven't resculpted the core units that have been the same since before I first got in to the hobby. They look so dated, and whilst there are some good looking units that have been introduced in recent years (I really like the Lords and Heroes that have been done), it really drags down the overall look and feel of the army for me. So that's another one to not look at. :(

Also, the Lothern Skycutter looks ridiculous. :o
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Yeah. It would be the most ridiculous-looking unit in the game if they hadn't brought the Soulgrinder to Fantasy... :p

Lessons for today:

  1. AK Interactive grey primer is pretty neat
  2. Vallejo German Panzer Grey is probably a better primer for dark colours than going with the pure black option
  3. 0.2mm airbrush is a bit of a pain to prime with
  4. 0.35mm one is way better, but being a suction-fed one mostly just did my head in this afternoon
  5. Resin bases from 616-designs are nice; thinking of going with the cobbled street ones for my DA
  6. Laser-cut MDF bases are also cool, but I'm not sure I have a use for these cracked earth ones...yet
  7. Airbrush needles are sharp :(

I've managed to prime my Deathwing Terminators and two of the three parts of Librarian Turmiel. I was going to move on to the Tactical Squad, but now that I'm thinking of using the resin bases for the whole army, I've put those aside. Not looking forward to moving on to this box of models in the Fairy stuff. Decided I'd also try the Finecast Librarian in there, and there seems to be a cloud of white around him. He's the only one I used a solvent-based primer on, so I'm hoping this is a good sign that the stuff can even eat through Army Painter's spray primers. :)


Worked quite well. Most of the paint is gone from the models after about 18 hours in the fluid and some scrubbing afterwards. I could have gotten more of the paint off if I had disassembled the models a little prior to putting them in, and even more so if I'd had a firmer-bristled toothbrush to use (only had a kids' one lying about spare). I'm tempted to try out non-acetone nail polish remover next time, because it's cheaper and not slimy. The stuff worked well on everything but spray primer on plastic, so I lost four models to that (seemed to create some weird texture on the surface that wouldn't go away); the exception was the Finecast Librarian, where the paint just lifted straight off with no effort. I'm guessing this is because the primer doesn't bite into the Finecast material like it does with plastic and there's no chemical bond holding it in-place.

Finally, a word of warning. I used some latex gloves for this, and although for the most part it was okay, after a while a hole appeared in an area that had been spending a lot of time partially submerged. The stuff seemed to eat through and now the tip of my finger is wrinkled, the skin feels quite hard and it hurts a little. I'm thinking better gloves, or two pairs, is necessary for this kind of task... :o
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IIRC for stripping the models, given some of the chemicals used you're probably better with either marigolds, or, if you're feeling more manly the sort of rubber gloves you get for deoing drains.
The latex gloves aren't really meant to be used with a lot of chemicals, nor are they very strong, whilst the PVC and marigolds are meant to work with things like cleaning chemicals (the same sort of thing you're using with the models).

How do you like the airbrush primers?
I'm starting to fall in love with them, especially as you can get them in so many colours (I think my Plague bearars are likely to only really need highlighting etc after their Earth Green priming), and they are so much easier to get into complicated areas as you can control the paint flow much better with the AB.
Not to mention the cost factor, with 200ml of AB primer for about £12 going a lot further than a couple of £7 spray cans.
Yeah, probably going to invest in something tougher if I do this again (which I'm thinking of; lots of primed and part-painted stuff on eBay that would save me plenty of cash).

The airbrush primers are...a mixed bag, I guess. I love the darker ones I've used (Black, German Panzer Grey) but have issues getting decent coverage with the lighter ones (White, Grey, USN Light Ghost Grey). I can get the darker colours to go on with a really smooth coat, but the lighter ones seem to have a rough finish and go on a bit dusty. I've tried adding a bit of thinner, some retarder, lowering the PSI, raising it, changing the distance between airbrush and model etc. and it just doesn't seem to get any better. Do you just use the Vallejo ones? I tried the AK Interactive one and it seems pretty good. Has a less pleasant smell than the Vallejo primers though... :p

I should also say that I still experience some issues with the primer being very easy to remove from some models. It doesn't always happen, but there are times when I can scrape it off with little effort. Have you ever had this problem? I've just had a go at trying to take some of the AK Interactive one off a piece of sprue I sprayed earlier and it seems to be a bit tougher (although I realise that any water-based primer will not adhere anywhere near as well as something from a spray can). Could it be that I'm applying it too thinly?
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Started a bit of work on the DV Librarian. Just base colours at the moment, trying out the bottle of VGC Dark Blue that I bought by accident. Turns out it isn't a bad blue at all, bit like Ultramarines Blue but darker. I'm not sure about the Khorne Red robes/cloak, though. Wanted something different to bone/white, as they're a successor rather than the Dark Angels themselves; thinking maybe a darkish grey would look better...


I forgot to prime the sword arm the other day, so I'll have to do that a little later... :o
eBay. I had some from old wine bottles but they were a bit narrow, which resulted in things falling over, especially any of the larger infantry like Terminators. That reminds me, I could do with some more...
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Hi all,

I used to collect 40k years ago and was quite a competent painter (I preferred the painting to the playing).

I gave it up around 12 years ago but want a project to do. I am looking at non gw models such as this or this.

My question is, where should I buy paints and brushes from for this project? I have only ever used GW paints and brushes. I want to use similar paints (acrylic?) as I am most used to them but are there better value paints out there? I think it'd be easier to do highllighting, shading, NMM and OSL with it too which should be good on these models.

Thanks for any advise.

PS. Although models this size are ideal for it, I am not interested in air brushes due to cost. This is just a one off so will just be a spray under coat then painted layers.
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