Tabletop Warhammer?

Couple of pics of stuff I have been doing. Not a whole lot of progress on Tau so far and has been a slow week or so with other stuff going on. I have prepped 3 Piranha's I got 2nd hand but otherwise been a slow slog on the Riptide.

The Cadre Fireblade below took about 5 hours to do and I did him over 2 days.

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Hi all,

I used to collect 40k years ago and was quite a competent painter (I preferred the painting to the playing).

I gave it up around 12 years ago but want a project to do. I am looking at non gw models such as this or this.

My question is, where should I buy paints and brushes from for this project? I have only ever used GW paints and brushes. I want to use similar paints (acrylic?) as I am most used to them but are there better value paints out there? I think it'd be easier to do highllighting, shading, NMM and OSL with it too which should be good on these models.

Thanks for any advise.

PS. Although models this size are ideal for it, I am not interested in air brushes due to cost. This is just a one off so will just be a spray under coat then painted layers.

paints wise for size/price look at vallejo paints (I have never used them but several people here do)

brushes, I use rosemary & co, good brushes and prices vary but you can get some very good quality brushes starting at about £2.

GW stuff is over priced (nothing new) and of very sub standard quality, if you don't mind ordering online then you can get some better stuff cheaper.
For those of you who drill bolter barrels out, what size hole do you drill? I'm looking at doing a 1mm hole on these Storm Bolters but I'm not sure it will be wide enough and I don't want to mess it up. :p
Start small and work up. I think i did 1mm in the centres and then 0.5mm for the side vent holes on the Legion models I did.

Take it slow and work up until you are happy.
Had a go with my new double ended brushes last night. They seem quite nice, probably not as good as the top end brushes but it's nice to have a full range of sizes available to me. The short double ended blending brushes will come in very handy in particular!
Ended up going with 1.2mm on the Storm Bolters and 1mm on the Assault Cannon. Looks good (aside from not being perfectly centred, but that's my fault for building the minis first). :)
Always mark the centres and put a dimple in with an awl before drilling :) Takes time and practice.

I freehanded the last bolters I did and they came out ok but were rushed and being Finecast were soft as anything!
I think the main problem was getting at them, as the models are already built. If they weren't then I'd have put the arms in a vice and been able to do a better job of it. Will remember to do it before gluing them on next time! :p
Looks interesting. I liked the Kill Team rules back in 4th; with those and Combat Patrol you could easily fit a game in during your lunch break! I'd love to have a go with this (the Harlequins could be fuuuuuunnnnnnnn!). :)
Not great, but they say it should be resolved by early next week, so I'm hopeful. Having to use my phone to do a lot of stuff where stability is required over speed.

Something a little bit different for me:



Scibor Vampire Hunter. No bubbles, no missing features, no bits of crap everywhere, no parts bent beyond reason, sturdy components*... £5.50 for a highly-detailed resin character with a pretty base. Why do we have to put up with over-priced miscasts in a lousy material from GW, again? :p

* Obviously, it's still resin, so it's not going to take the same abuse as plastic may... :p
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Scibor do some nice stuff, I've ordered one of their bases for my Wraithlord....which at my current rate of painting may be in 2014!

Still slowly working on Asurman, almost finished his helmet plumes.
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