That's a nice-looking base.
I'm just going with the cobbled city street ones for the Dark Angels. Simple, but a nice touch, I think.
After an afternoon airbrushing, I can safely say that using a light primer such as grey or white on Finecast is a bad idea. It is very hard to see where you've primed and where you haven't! The stripped models don't look too bad with a coat of black on them, but they're not super-smooth like new models are. Not gonna complain about that. Will complain about the size of the painting pile now, though...
Haven't even built the DV Tactical Squad, Ravenwing Bikers and Company Master yet, either.
I'm just going with the cobbled city street ones for the Dark Angels. Simple, but a nice touch, I think.
After an afternoon airbrushing, I can safely say that using a light primer such as grey or white on Finecast is a bad idea. It is very hard to see where you've primed and where you haven't! The stripped models don't look too bad with a coat of black on them, but they're not super-smooth like new models are. Not gonna complain about that. Will complain about the size of the painting pile now, though...
Haven't even built the DV Tactical Squad, Ravenwing Bikers and Company Master yet, either.