So got into the store yesterday for a couple games and thought id do a bit of battle report (what I can remember)/general thoughts on how I felt my army performed
My list was the same for both games and was
Lord, Terminator Armour, Mark of Slaanesh, Lightning Claw, Burning Brand of Skalanthrax
Sorcerer, Lvl 3, Mark of Slaanesh, Spell Familiar
5 Terminators, 4 Combi Melta 1 Reaper
15 Cultists with Autopistol+CCW
11 Cultists with Autoguns
11 Noise Marines with 8 Sonic Blasters 2 Blast Masters Icon of Excess and Champ with Claw
Heldrake with Baleflamer
2 Hades Autocannon Forgefiends
So game 1 vs Tyranids was the Scouring
I had planned to take more pictures but that was my deployment keeping my termintors in reserve.
This was my refresher game I was actually booked in for and was a great game. He got first turn and all of a sudden a lot of bugs were up in my face I really didnt count on how quickly they would get across the board he also had a flying hive tyrant which I was fairly certain was going to smash my face in should I let it. In my first turn I kept everything where it was as both cultists were sitting on 3 point objective and my noise marines were on a 1 point objective I then shot my Fiend thats nearest my noise marines at the hive tyrant in front of it and nothing. My entire squad of noise marines at it and nothing so that went well. on the other side my other fiend took a wound off his carnifex.
At the start of his turn 2 I really felt I had made a mistake by not shooting into teh masses of nids running towards me and concentrating on his hive tyrant. He also has a tervigon?or whatever the one that births new gaunts is called i forget now and gets 15 more. excellent. so his shooting kills a number of the CCW cultists that are out in front but somehow they hold and dont run. He then attempts to charge and he fails but my overwatch does nothing. Over by the noise marines his hive tyrant attacks my forgefiend but thankfully my daemon save keeps it alive and in return I actually manage to wound the tyrant. My noise marines get charged by hormaguants and tyranid warriors I manage to kill 1 warrior and would another and he fails to damage me thanks to good rolling and feel no pain. In my turn I was pretty limited what I could do (a trend that continues for some time). the fiend no in combat wounds the carnifex but thats all the shooting I have in combat my other fiend keeps surving against his tyrant and i manage to inflict another wound on him. In my noise marine combat I manage to take the warriors down to 1 model with 1 wound and in return I lose 2 marines.
Turn 3 and he gets another 11 gaunts and we are back into the ongoing combats. He tries to charge with the carnifex and fails and takes another wound from overwatch. The hive tyrant finishes off the fiend and I kill the last warrior and take another marine loss. My lord kills more gaunts but takes a wound. In my turn 3 my terminators turn up and i deep strike them into the only reasonably open area which is nearer the creature birthing more gaunts and beside a large amount of gaunts. They shoot and take out a few gaunts but dont do anything of any note. My Heldrake turns up vector striking the carnifex kiling it and then burning a chunk of gaunts away from a 4 point objective in the middle and we are back into combat. I mange to kill about 6 hormaguants but becase his tyrant is so close they dont run. My lord takes another wound and kills more gaunts.
Turn 4 and he shoots a helluva lot of fleshborer shots at my terminators and all thats left standing is my lord due to some horrible saves on my part. he then charges the lord
so into combat and the lord kills 3 and takes no wounds. the sorcer and hive tyrant clash and the sorcer dies and the noise marines take down the last of the gaunts. My turn 4 and the drake carries on its path of destruction vector striking and burning the birthing creature but not killing since it has 6 wounds which is insane. My fiend thats left kills some more gaunts so now most of the gaunts are back past the half way mark. My noise marines then beat the hive tyrant to death which felt good as I only caused 2 wounds and he failed both saves.
Turn 5 he piled in the lat of the gaunts into combat with my lord and my lord dies. My turn and my drake goes into hover mode and takes the centre objective after burning the last couple gaunts off and I end up winning the game 13-1 thanks to my excellent starting objectives and the fact that my drake was scoring.
the 2nd game I may write up later but I cant remeber it as well but I got thrashed by blood angels in the relic. I was left with just the heldrake which took ages to turn up in the first place. Had that turned up sooner i might have survived.
Opinions on my units.
Lord+Terminators. I think im swapping these out for bikes+bike lord I have bikers I bought off ebay but I need to replace the legs and they should be good to go.
Sorcerer and cultists are also getting replace by a squad of 12 marines with dual plasma
Noise Marines I wil try again in the big expensive squad but I think they may end up being 2 6man squads with bolters and a blastmaster and no FNP.
Heldrake. Amazing except mine seems to be incredibly lazy.
Fiends. Not bad probably not worth the points but I'm going to run them again while I focus on adding more marines and bikers. Really tempted to try some tanks before I resort to oblits. Either 3 vindicators for giggles or some vindi/pred mix but I just dont know how well they will survive as the 5+ save on the fiends really helped.