12" main weapon for a non combat squad is more than a little harsh.
They aren't new, just bundles. Good value though surprisingly for GW.
Guardians should stay at BS3 though, they're not meant to be warriors remember. Vehicles however have some of the most advanced tech in the galaxy to help them so should easily be 4.
6pts each now down from 8
Jeff, the son of Leman Wuss.
2 less points with +1 BS or 2 less points and still a useless(ish) unit?
How much is the codex?
£30 (£24 elsewhere) or £60 if you want an ugly dust jacket and a piece of paper saying you're a moron.
Well hopefully it won't be that long, they're getting more and mor desperate. You can't keep doing such drastic price rises forever, they're just alienating potential customers and their competitors are only getting stronger
£30 (£24 elsewhere) or £60 if you want an ugly dust jacket and a piece of paper saying you're a moron.