Tabletop Warhammer?

It is, however they can run and shoot so that makes the range more. And the weapons are a lot better than most races. Jetbikes are going to be even better now, they've already benefited massively from the changes to jink, now all their guns are AP2 on a 6 to wound! I wonder if they'll still be a troop choice.

Guardians should stay at BS3 though, they're not meant to be warriors remember. Vehicles however have some of the most advanced tech in the galaxy to help them so should easily be 4.

Apparently several (all?) aspect warriors are being boosted to 3+ save :) Can't wait to read this codex. I want to read about Eldrad for starters!
Guardians should stay at BS3 though, they're not meant to be warriors remember. Vehicles however have some of the most advanced tech in the galaxy to help them so should easily be 4.

My problem wasn't so much just that they're BS3, but that they were 1pt less than a Dark Eldar Warrior who had +1WS, BS and I, as well as a better standard weapon and access to better special/heavy weapons. I'd take a BS boost as a way to make up for that, but a points cost reduction would also do the trick. :p
2 less points with +1 BS or 2 less points and still a useless(ish) unit?

I'm not sure tbh, just going off what people have said. Even at the same stats as before they weren't bad for a Footdar army with the support platforms. Couple in the new rules and I can certainly see them having their uses. Warlocks have new powers as well so that may help.
Artwork is the same, I don't even think GW can shock me any more, the Dire Avenger debacle is surely as bad as it can get? I bet they're brilliant in this codex and need to be in squads of ten.

Even stuff like if you click on pre-orders the limited edition is right at the top and you have to scroll half way down to find the normal edition. They just treat fans like ****.
Well hopefully it won't be that long, they're getting more and mor desperate. You can't keep doing such drastic price rises forever, they're just alienating potential customers and their competitors are only getting stronger
Unfortunatley while GW's stock is as strong as it is, and the share holders are recieving back what they want nothing will change.

It would be awesome for an actually Gaming company to acquire Games Workshop and modernize the company properly. The only reason GW have managed to hold on so long is because they have no competitor in the high street.
Well its only been what 9 months since I bought my Heldrake but its now got to this stage


I need to change the base over to a brass rod version, and do some bit more detail so its a late stage WIP

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