Tabletop Warhammer?

Hey Werewolf, I actually use one of those cheap Chinese airbrush and compressor kits (it was about £70 for 2 airbrushes and an air compressor with a tank) and the airbrushes in it stand up well to my 2 Iwata HPCs surprisingly enough, and spray paints very nicely though it, though I don't use GW paints, I use my "own" (I have an online store :D)
Got the Warrior Priest FINALLY finished. VERY pleased.




The Horus heresy series is excellent for the most part. A couple of dodgy ones but the majority of them are very good.

For the present timeline I would suggest the Eisenhorn and Ravenor Inquisitor trilogies by Dan Abnett. He's also done the Gaunts Ghosts series which is also quite good. The first Space Wolf trilogy is ok, I have the second one but haven't read it yet.

All the trilogies I have emntioned are available at the moment as single amalgamated books.
To be honest, I haven't read a lot of them, but I know a lot of people don't like them compared to some others, but I really enjoyed the Dawn of War Omnibus. The first chapter where it tells the story of the IG being over run by Orks, and the drop pods of Space Marines coming down, I could picture that so well, I thought it was described brilliantly and is just how a drop pod assault should be. I am currently reading the Ultramarines omnibus which is pretty good too.

I am fairly new to the table top game aspect, and I pretty much get the Gist of the rules, but I went to my local Games Workshop for the first time yesterday and booked an appointment for a short 'Advanced Rules' session, which I just got back from like 2 hours ago, where we essentially played with the Assault on Black Reach models on a small 4x4 table. It was pretty good fun, there were a few rules I had missed out, but all in all it was a good experience. I know a lot of people say they don't like the stores as everyone is way too enthusiastic about it in there, but this store didn't seem too bad. I will probably be going more often for some games, which will be good (although my models look like crud compared to some of the ones in there).
I don't mind the stores tbh, but then I have worked for GW on a couple of occassions. I find for adults its more about when you go in. Weekends are a big no no, its full of kids & the staff will be all hyper as thats what the kids expect. But if you can get into a staore on a weekday when the kids are in school its a much more adult friendly atmosphere.

They are a great way to meet others that are into the hobby, find out where your local gaming clubs are etc.

As for painting, its just practice. Make sure you get a good undercoat & the base colors are neatly applied. Always water down the paints a little & make sure you have good lighting in your painting area.

I'm currently painting a unit of pegasus knights for my Bretonnian army. bretonnians are a bugger if painted properly, every knight has a different color scheme for armour etc. Makes it almost like painting an army of characters as its hard to batch paint them. Will get some pics of current progress up when my phones recharged a bit.
Completely off topic, but I love the lore of the Warhammer universe especially Warhammer 40k, anyone recommend me some books :D?

Hey! There is a thread over in the books section dedicated to the books found here:

Most people seem to rate the horus heresy series but they were produced after I stopped collecting so I never got into them. My favourite series is the Ciaphas Cain series which follows the legendary Commisar Cain and his Valhallan regiment he tries his hardest to try to stay out of any danger whilst ending up in the thick of it :p . Great series in my opinion as it's quite light hearted while being full of action. I wouldn't recommend this series if you're after something which follows the emperors most devout warriors cleansing worlds in his name, but if you're after a good read with plenty of action (necrons/tyranids/orks all feature :D ) and also enjoy a laugh then I would think you would enjoy this.

Other than that my favourite Space Marine books would be the Space Wolves series by William King which show how Ragner Blackmane comes to join the wolves and then his progression and you also can't have a list without mentioning the Gaunt's Ghosts series by Dan Abnett. Haven't read the final books but the 6 I have read were all very enjoyable and I really liked the characters.
just read through this entire post.

I've not played since probably 1998 / 1999. So I guess things have moved on a bit since then! I had a huge Imperial 40k army, mix of Marines and Guard, in fact, in a box somewhere I have an entire Company of Ultramarines (10 squads, all with Rhino's and assorted support)

I've tried to keep an eye on stuff from time to time, but things have changed a lot! Tau for example, never existed in my day lol! And Skaven seem to be back in the fold for Warhammer itself.

Is bloodbowl still around lol? I loved that game!

The one thing that has kept me interested is the lore etc, reading all the Horus Heresy books etc. :D
I started playing Warhammer 40k years ago, when the Tau were first released. Unsurprisingly I lost every game. Then switched to Vampire Counts, and never lost a game since.

However, in recent years being cash strapped and my friends drifting away from the hobby, I've only sporadically bought a few boxes here and there to paint.

My last purchase was a Mantic box a couple weeks ago, and whilst I don't think they're as good as the GW stuff. (join's seem a bit strange, unable to choose weapons etc). Their quality seems pretty good. And they are priced much more competively. (When I started VC, 1 box of 20 skeletons was £15. Now, 1 box of 10 is £16.)

I still think a lot of GW stuff is fantastic and I'm trying to talk my friends/girl-friend into playing with me- unsuccessfully I might add. So for the time being I'm relegated to painting.
Her dad has an old expensive airbrush (£300 in the early 70's apparently), but it was fairly awesome for painting my last box of GW skeletons with. Base coat of black, then several very fine bleached bone overcoats. Had to water down the paint significantly, but the end results looks awesome. I'll post a few pics when I finish basing them.

I used to love hanging around in the GW shop to talk and oogle stuff, before buying- but anytime I've gone in recently. It has a really uneasy atmosphere.
I went in last week for 3 tubs of paint and was approached upon entering, which sin't itself bad. But I told the fella that I was cool- just having a look before picking out my paints. He hovered around for ages making me feel uncomfortable. Then asked me if I was ok about 8 times. Then, a second member of staff came over saying something like "Sorry for the sheer neglect- is there anything I can help with?" The g/f walked out cause she said she felt really uneasy. Ugh.

Can you guys answer one questions for me though. Why space marines? I never understood the allure :p Of all my friends, I think about 80% of them had a space marine army :p They always felt a bit gay to me :p
Also no the subject of books, those not wanting huge novels to read the 'Bloodquest' graphic novels are great. My main WoW char is named after one of the Blood Angels from that novel!

If anyone needs any painting tips let me know I was a pro, used to work there and paint all the chars/armies + entered golden demon on a few occasions
Her dad has an old expensive airbrush (£300 in the early 70's apparently), but it was fairly awesome for painting my last box of GW skeletons with. Base coat of black, then several very fine bleached bone overcoats. Had to water down the paint significantly, but the end results looks awesome. I'll post a few pics when I finish basing them.

I look forward to seeing them, sounds similar to the method I developed. I started to paint a skelly originally, and it went south real quick and had to retreat to the drawing board to rethink. I then went back to sort it out later taking a very different approach but one that worked well for me (like yours).

Base coat of bestial brown, then a thin overcoat on raised surfaces with bleached bone. Then I used a dirty black/brown wash to add a bit more recess depth, finishing with a drybush and highlights of more bleached bone (fairly textbook technique for the time, but with quite different pallette selections than were typical for the model type at the time).

The end result was a very mucky looking skeleton, but worked really good compared to your typical bleached-white affairs. Looked more like he'd just clambered out of soil rather than taken an acid bath. No idea where he is now, and it was a one-off, but learning techniques like that and being surprised by the outcome was half the fun so I still remember some of them now. That was a miniature I painted over 20 years ago, yet I can't remember what I had for dinner last week :)
I used to collect space marines about 15 years ago but it just got so damn expensive. I was more interested in painting the models than playing the game. Enjoyed building airfix models too.
I used to collect space marines about 15 years ago but it just got so damn expensive. I was more interested in painting the models than playing the game. Enjoyed building airfix models too.

it has got very expensive compared to when I first started.

I remember my first purchase - 'Skeleton Army' boxset, all plastic, probably 40 or so skeletons, for £9.99 followed closely by the Space Marines boxset, 30 marines in MK6 armour (pointy nose cone one) and the cover was the same as the 40k rulebook at the time.

Times gone by :p
I look forward to seeing them, sounds similar to the method I developed. I started to paint a skelly originally, and it went south real quick and had to retreat to the drawing board to rethink. I then went back to sort it out later taking a very different approach but one that worked well for me (like yours).
i've painted dozens of skeletons. Orininally I painted all the bones by hand (as in each individual bone). Which looked rubbish as the paint just felt too vibrant.

Then I started basing them black, and dry brushing bleached bone, with skull white highlights. They looked allright, but not great. Tried experimenting with varying ink washes and they all looked ok, but nothing was ever spectacular. The ink's were a real pain to work with too.

Changed colour schemes a little for my Tomb kings army, using moire browns than greys- but all to the same effect.

This batch however, is easily the best I've done since I started painting. It makes me want to toss a lot of my older models out, cause they look horrible (and a good number are broken).

Here's the only pic I have of the skeletons after the airbrushing phase. So nowhere near done.

I still have about 40 Mantic skeletons to paint- I plan to use them as armoured skeletons.

As well as about 30 GW zombies (Which are half painted horribly from when I last tried a few years ago), and 20 Mantic zombies 12 mantic ghouls.

I'm not really sure how to approach either of those paint wise. As I've never really done them before. That is the zombies/ghouls. I'm still settling on a colour scheme for my army.

I'm also really tempted to branch off into 40k, or another fantasy army- can't really settle on anything tho. Thinking maybe Tyrannids, or Skaven/lizardmen.

It'll probs be Lizardmen, as the girlfriend finds those more to her taste than the rest. So it'll be easier to convince her ot play with an army I already have. I do really like some of the Tomb King models though. And I like Necrons, but would like more tanks to play with- don't really like the look of the destroyers/scarabs.

I'm reading this thread from the start, and there's a lot of good paint jobs here. I'm just hitting page 10 now. Wish I saw this thread when it started, then I wouldn't be playing catch-up and missing the discussions :p

Edit- massive picture, so edited it out to avoid painful page browsing. Feel free to use the link tho :p
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