Tabletop Warhammer?

I used to love hanging around in the GW shop to talk and oogle stuff, before buying- but anytime I've gone in recently. It has a really uneasy atmosphere.
I went in last week for 3 tubs of paint and was approached upon entering, which sin't itself bad. But I told the fella that I was cool- just having a look before picking out my paints. He hovered around for ages making me feel uncomfortable. Then asked me if I was ok about 8 times. Then, a second member of staff came over saying something like "Sorry for the sheer neglect- is there anything I can help with?" The g/f walked out cause she said she felt really uneasy. Ugh.

Can you guys answer one questions for me though. Why space marines? I never understood the allure :p Of all my friends, I think about 80% of them had a space marine army :p They always felt a bit gay to me :p

I kind of got that when I walked in there for the first time the other day, there was just one member of staff and 2 people at a table silently painting. I went in just looking for a few paints but luckily for me though I actually wanted to get talking to them, find out some info, and see if I could get any tips/games in, so they were more than helpful :)

I collect Ultramarines as that is the army I started way back about 12 years ago. I saw a small section of 40K on a stand in a bookshop, thought it was awesome, bought a box of 5 space marines (which I think was £5 back then), and painted them like the guys on the box, which of course were the poster-boys Ultramarines. I pretty much don't use any of the old stuff but stuck to the paint scheme as I quite like it, plus I quite like their loyal, honorable, by the book background. But yeah, space marines do look pretty cool ;)

Where is the best place to get Ultramarine decals ?

You mean the Transfer sheets? eBay might be a good place, I think they go quite cheap there, especially the Assault on Black Reach sheets, which should give you enough for almost 2 squads. Mine has various symbols, plus 15 small Ultramarine symbols, 1 slightly larger one, and 1 slightly larger still symbol.
Cheapest I've seen is £1.65 total: here

If that was not what you meant then just ignore it :P
Cool, good to hear. Yeah I can't free hand anything, so I'm going to be putting on a few transfers myself. Thankfully they give you one with ever box so I have loads :P One thing I will say is that you might want to think about some sort of protection for them, as the models I had 12 years ago all have their transfers flaking off, so when I was in the GW store the other day I got roped into buying a spray can of Purity Seal, which does the job, but apparently doesn't gloss them up if you spray them far enough, so they should look half decent when I'm done (here's hoping anyway :P).

Actually, on the topic of transfer sheets, on the standard sheets, on the top left, it has a sort of 'Ultramarines' section, with 4 rows of 5 symbols. The furthest left is the U, then the arrow, for 'Troops' correct? The the sort of cross, for 'Fast Attack'? The what is the one after that? The sort of triangle thing? What is that one, as I can only assume it means 'Elite' or 'Heavy Support'. If someone could tell me that would be great :P
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I kind of got that... space marines do look pretty cool ;)

I don't know- I don't feel it. They feel very bulky to me- and the tanks don't really do it either- too square.

I really like the Eldar though, their tanks look awesome I think. Tyrannids too.
Always fancied necrons, you know- to keep with my undead vibe :p

I like some of the Tau too, but I'm really put off them cause their first edition rule book sucked. They only had 1 tank in the book at the time and it hadn't been release. And the ball joins on the Battlesuits caused me great pain.
My models were stored reasonably well when I was actively playing and of all my units (15+ drones, and etherel,2x firewarrior, 1x pathfinder, 1x stealth unit, 1x kroot with guns, 3 big mechs with shoulder mounted guns, and 4 of the smaller). All of the feet on the battlesuits broke off within a month or two.

With regards to the staff. If your ever in Belfast, try the store there. It is really really horrible. I know they are trained to upsell, and I can understand why.
But when your in a shop for 15-20m, looking at models and discussing them with your partner (or indeed a friend). It is very uncomfortable to know someone is hovering behind you- watching. Waiting.
Especially when you can tell, they themselves aren't really comfortable with it either. It feels very awkward and clumsy. My shop normally has 3 or so people on, and when you turn 2 down only for the third to come over, use exactly the same sales pitch and uncomfortably invasion of space.. Ugh. I'm sure they're all great people, but when a customer is clearly uncomfortable with your presence- its not a great sales tactic. (I'd probably spend way more money if they let me stare at all the boxes I wanted to buy instead of trying to force me to buy stuff I don't want )
Like I said, my girlfriend has never been there before, and when I left- she said that it was one of the most uneasy experiences she'd ever had. She said it was "very creepy" how they seemed to lurk behind you watching what you were doing, after you dismissed them.

Looking at some of the skaven stuff now- not sure if it makes more sense to buy the "island of blood" or their Battalion. Though I'm still not totally settled on Skaven. and getting a High Elf army may be a waste. (I still have a lot of Mantic dwarves to deal with- not sure I cba with them tho. I could trade them for something else if someone offered a reasonable deal :P). The rule book would be nice though. ;p
Sorry for double post and wall of texts- but I'm really enjoying painting/modelling again. So Im quite excited :p

Anyway, with regards to the dwarves: These are the dwarf models I have

25 Dwarf Ironclad Warriors including Command
20 Ironwatch
1 Ironbelcher with crew

from this boxset:

All are still on their sprues, except for the Cannon, and the men working it, but I have all the parts in a zipbag. So if anyone wants to trade- Gimmi a shout. :p (would prefer unassembled/unpainted models)
That's what I mean Serraph, thanks.

I can paint most details on them but Ultramarine decal by hand is just a bit too far for me.

If you're after Space Marine transfer sheets, I've got a bunch you could have, if you want. I'm not going to use them myself as there are no icons for my chapter on them. :)
Actually, on the topic of transfer sheets, on the standard sheets, on the top left, it has a sort of 'Ultramarines' section, with 4 rows of 5 symbols. The furthest left is the U, then the arrow, for 'Troops' correct? The the sort of cross, for 'Fast Attack'? The what is the one after that? The sort of triangle thing? What is that one, as I can only assume it means 'Elite' or 'Heavy Support'. If someone could tell me that would be great :P

Heavy support if its triangles. Elites tend to use the terminator symbol (crux terminatus???)
Devastator = Upsidedown V or ^
Tactical = arrow
Assault = crossed arrows like a St andrews flag with arrow heads on lol

**** im gay :( how do i remember that
Ah right, thought as much, yeah it is the ^ triangle thing, cheers. They don't have the terminator/elite symbol on transfers do they?
Don't think they are on the transfer sheets, they all have moulded shoulder pads these days I think. not 100% sure tbh, I only collect dark angels for 40k these days & they have their own specific models
I enjoyed playing fantasy, blood bowl and man o' war back in the day. I gave all of my (hundreds of) models away to my mate when I emigrated 12 years ago tho and kind of wish I hadn't now! I'm having strong urges to get back into it..
Was home this weekend found a load of old models, shame I dont have my golden demon entries anymore QQ

Heres on of my first models from back in the day, Highlighting ***!! none of this messy wash lark

I'm just getting back into it after a few years out.

Started when I was 11, but back then my eyesight was so bad I couldn't actually see most of what I was painting (which is why a lot of my models ended up with their heads on upside down, back to front!

Currently painting a Tau army, trying to take my time and reading as many guides as I can so that I can try and field something that looks half decent.
I got the Codex:Eldar last week. This is a bad sign.

It's not that bad a sign...when I got back into it, it was pretty much because I saw the Tau army box, liked the models and bought that and the book pretty much on a whim....

Skully, Tau are fun but i think in fairly desperate need of a new codex/some new (non Forgeworld) units :)
I'm sticking with a fairly basic tri tone scheme for mine based on the Sa'Cea scheme (Shadow Grey and Black*), but with Fortress Grey as a third colour rather than a Shadow/Space Wolves grey mix.

When I start on my nids, I'm thinking I may go for every type having a different set of secondary colours, but the main colour remaining the same (so that they look more interesting, but still tie together on the table).

*I'm actually use both Chaos Black, and a metallic black depending on what needs it (chaos for most black, but metallic for things like the drone bottoms).
It's not that bad a sign...when I got back into it, it was pretty much because I saw the Tau army box, liked the models and bought that and the book pretty much on a whim....

It's more the impending cost this will bring. Already debating what force to build, aspect warrior heavy...
Well, here's a few pics of my skeletons. Couldn't seem to get any good pictures with my phone (Galaxy Ace), despite messing around with the settings on it.

So here's a few of the best pics:

They look a lot better than the pictures show. An airbrush really is worth investing in. if I decide to start a skaven army after I'm done with my zombies/ghouls. I'll probably give it a shot with those.
It's more the impending cost this will bring. Already debating what force to build, aspect warrior heavy...

Its always nice to have an army capable of destroying marine armies since a lot of people have them.

I used to have 2-3 war walkers with twin star cannons, wraithlord with star cannons, grav tank with star cannon + bright lance, vypers with star cannons, reaper sqauads, backed up by numerous small guardian sqauds with, yep you guessed it star cannons.

Go ulthwe for increased +hit chance, and warlocks in the mix to cast guide on the units re rolling misses.

Shouldve see the tears on the players when you obliterate whole marine squads in seconds.

Almost finished my biker dude, just needs highlighting. This is how he looked:


But I wasn't happy with how bland his shoulders/back looked, so I dug thru my Commander sprue and found some new shoulder pads. His power claws also come from the Commander set :) Terrible photos, but it's just to show off the pads!



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