Tabletop Warhammer?

Was browsing around on some forums earlier and stumbled across this:


Probably going to cost at least twice as much per jetbike to make these, but honestly, I want mine to look cool like this rather than dated and completely out-of-place like the other ones. Ladies and gentlemen, it's conversion-time.
So since I am looking into a marines force and I actually have a couple of weekends free (also probably weeknights) Id quite like to learn vassal and actually try out this 1500pt idea im playing around with before I put down the cash.
New Portal Issue out :) link

Aceytrixx, I'm always happy to introduce people, let me know when you want a game!

Edit: My comment is printed on the "should they scrap finecast?" :D

Daniel Illingworth: "Well it already looks like scrap" :D
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Just stumbled across this

looks interesting .... i really should do more work while at work .... now there's a thought.

Interesting. :)

On a related note, I was considering making a side-scroller based on Space Hulk as an exercise in learning 65816 assembly for the SNES, but so far haven't really had the time to do any research on the subject beyond the basics. :o

On an unrelated note, oil washes are awesome. Pictures will hopefully follow within a few days. :)
crikey side scroller in assembly, I have some assembly under my belt but do not fancy implementing anything large in it :P will stick to my nice high level languages XD

We still need to get some DoW games in at some point, seem to remember a few people where up for it.
Finally got around to building my Chaos DV models, now got to work out which colour scheme to use.

Currently thinking:
Black Legion - probably using more gold than silver as I think black/silver is a bit bland
Night Lords - I like the look but not sure if the lightning would be difficult to paint
The Scourged - mostly due to this image:
Red Corsairs - they're pirates, what more reason do I need? Arrr!

Given that I'm a very average painter, anyone have any opinions on the above?
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