Tabletop Warhammer?

Finally got around to building my Chaos DV models, now got to work out which colour scheme to use.

Currently thinking:
Black Legion - probably using more gold than silver as I think black/silver is a bit bland
Night Lords - I like the look but not sure if the lightning would be difficult to paint
The Scourged - mostly due to this image:
Red Corsairs - they're pirates, what more reason do I need? Arrr!

Given that I'm a very average painter, anyone have any opinions on the above?

Red Corsairs. Everyone loves evil space pirates

Done my list for the game with Newts at the weekend. I'm naming my warlord Farseer Kinnear :p

Cheers shami I'll need to grab a new headset as mine is nailed.

What's everyone's thoughts on mixing armour marks in a sternguard squad. I'm torn between 10 mark III or 5 mark III and 5 mark IV
Ive sourced a set of headphones so could do tomorrow afternoon or anytime next weekend.

Yeah ideally id like to mix 3 or 4 types in so its not a straight 5+5. Might just do it 5+5 for now then get another mark later on to vary it a bit.
Well im a fan of 1500 but I dunno if thats too big? I was gonna try my Salamanders idea out. Feel free to use whatever you want. So far ive only played against Chaos, Blood Angels and Tyranids so if I was to be fussy it would be interesting to play against something other than them.

What time? Im free all afternoon and evening?
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Say half 2? You want to know lists beforehand?

The Eldar stuff looks a lot of fun just a shame theres so much finecast. Totally puts me off them.
Yeah, that's fine. Lists in the morning (dropbox or email), it's always good to read the rules of what you're facing then you don't get surprised when something moves 36" across the table :D
That sounds fine. I dont have dropbox access so is your email listed here I can send it to?

Yeah I have heard of sneaky war walkers in the past. Im pretty certain my list wont really work but thats why I really want to try it out
Yep, email in trust :)

I have absolutely no idea what we're talking about when it comes to sneaky warwalkers....

It's the potential 36" threat range Warp Spiders you have to look out for :p
Excellent. Do you just want a battlescribe file or written down?

It seems from what ive heard in podcasts the eldar seem incredibly manouverable and will be closing on me fast or avoiding me as need be.
Done my list for the game with Newts at the weekend. I'm naming my warlord Farseer Kinnear :p

Well you have won now, as I don't care if I lose as long as I crush that ******.

Concentrated fire from turn one and suicide tactics just to kill him.

I think for killing him it should be worth at least 10 vp's as I'm doing the world a favour :p
Ok, but every turn he renames a beloved landmark on the battlefield and all your units have to take a leadership test :p

And if its failed they suffer from frenzy, drop all weapons, and charge 5d6 toward Kinnear. Their sole intent is to throttle him to death, hit on a 6 wound on a 6 but instant death :p
Friday project - Made a wet palette

Why didn't I do this months ago?

Because you don't see how useful it truly is until you've actually done it. I put it off for ages, but now I will rarely paint without it. Just remember not to leave the water in there for too long... :o
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