Tabletop Warhammer?


Girlfriend just grabbed me an unassembled one of these for my birthday. Will make an excellent Salamander Captain
Won't be getting any of those.

Would much rather new power armoured librarian or chaplain models since the the only good ones of both are terminator armoured.

EDIT: actually not all the chaplains are terrible but they don't compare to the terminator one.
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Would much rather new power armoured librarian or chaplain models since the the only good ones of both are terminator armoured.

Not quite true, I really like the librarian in Dark Vengeance, bit of mod work and it would be any chapter, plus you can get them cheap

my gf got the sammael model for her birthday, first time I have seen finecast and once they get the process right they will be amazing, this one has a very minor issue but once primed it wont be an issue, apart from that I really like the detail and precision. Shame the process has had some teething problems really.
Aceytrixx, is that a forgeworld model? Looks pretty awesome

Yeah it is. It's a games day 2011 model.

Not quite true, I really like the librarian in Dark Vengeance, bit of mod work and it would be any chapter, plus you can get them cheap

my gf got the sammael model for her birthday, first time I have seen finecast and once they get the process right they will be amazing, this one has a very minor issue but once primed it wont be an issue, apart from that I really like the detail and precision. Shame the process has had some teething problems really.

Fair point I had totally forgotten about that one. I'd really love a plastic kit like the captain.
Unimpressed. If anything, Space Marines could probably have done with a generic plastic Terminator Captain kit (obviously not for Apocalypse, though).

In other interesting news, Codex Eldar was released for formats other than iOS today. It's £10 cheaper than the iOS/physical versions, too. Although I won't be buying this one as I have the physical copy, once they start to release others I may be tempted. Really not sure if the cost of this is justified, however... :p

On the subject of Finecast, I don't like the material, but I can't deny that the detail it captures is impressive. It seems, from the things I've bought, that newer models that were first produced in Finecast have far fewer issues than legacy sculpts converted from metal to Finecast. I'd still rather have plastic kits, though...
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Working out a new list as I start reading Firedrake. Im not sure Vulkan will be in my list. Its a tough choice but I would like to use the storm shield thunder hammer captain. Im thinking him with a unit of assault terminators in a redeemer? Think ive written 3 or 4 lists today alone trying to decide what to get
I quite like the Tesseract Vault, not enough to buy it of course but it looks good.

It's good though, both my wallet and my painting queue like months when there is nothing I want :p
Chaos lawnmower? grass for the grass god, flowers for the flower throne! CUT, PRUNE, PLANT!

does not seem so menacing.

God how annoying, figuring out my list for this weeks game andmy boss comes into my office. Actually made be do some sort of work at work. what is the world coming to :p
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Actually when I say I dont like them im not including the baneblade in that as I do really like that model but its not new.

Also id be interested in a 1500pt game in the near future since I have a totally different (yet still possibly doomed to fail) list to try
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