Tabletop Warhammer?

Hmm, John you willing to go to 1500 or want to stick at 1k?

Just realised when my Warp Spiders mishapped off the table we should have rolled on the mishap table not killed them outright :o

Sometimes I think I'll never remember all the rules.
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I've written 3 separate Eldar lists that all come to 1501....really. I swear they've done it on purpose :p The culprit is a 3 man jetbike squad which is 51pts..grrr.
If I wasn't away I would join in.

When I go away long term next week my priority is getting Vassal sorted on my laptop.

Will be begging to play every night then :p
I always allow 5 pts either way (for casual games anyway, not tournaments), some codexes you just end up with odd amounts. The last Eldar codex it was always the 3pt Singing Spears that left me with strange totals. Any more than 5 pts though and you can remove some wargear (cough Newts :p)
OK thats cool :D will leave that list as it, got an idea for another list im going to see about fleshing that out today but will probably bring my current list :P

aceytrixx, what army you playing? or have you not decided yet.
Ill be bringing a non vulkan salamanders list. List is basically done just like 20 or so points to spread about.

After reading on faeit the rumours that you can get traits for chapters for normal captains in the new book im quite excited if that pans out.

Edit: so is it thursday or friday?
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