Looking for a bit of advice here guys:
My lad has just bought a Dark Vengeance set and we are mid-way through painting them. We are total noobs at this and although he did have a black reach set a year or so ago we just made the rules up as we went along. This time however we aim to do it properly!
I have been assigned Chaos (which I like tbh) and my lad has the Dark Angels. I know we can play with the kit 'as is' without adding extras but his grandparents have added to this kit by buying him a few land speeders and a squad of terminators.
We've not tallied up the points of each army yet although I would wage he has many more points than me lol!
So my question is: What should I add to my Chaos army?
I have Hellbrute, 20 cultists, 5 chosen and 12 marines. Is a Daemon prince worthwhile? I'm also considering converting some old space marines that are looking a little tired.
Help me out please. I don't want to be an 'epic failure' of a father
I promise to put up some pics of the models once complete.