Tabletop Warhammer?

Very nice work with that eldar-ish thing Simon, I do like the clean finish of good highlighting but damn if it doesn't take a long time, I could never bring myself to do it on more than about 1 in 20 models.

I like the ghostly / ethereal green look on the skeletons too - an approach I'd not have considered before but have gotten some ideas now I'd like to try :) Even though I'm not sure if that's just your flash / lighting playing up in the photos or not!
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Its always nice to have an army capable of destroying marine armies since a lot of people have them.

I used to have 2-3 war walkers with twin star cannons, wraithlord with star cannons, grav tank with star cannon + bright lance, vypers with star cannons, reaper sqauads, backed up by numerous small guardian sqauds with, yep you guessed it star cannons.

Go ulthwe for increased +hit chance, and warlocks in the mix to cast guide on the units re rolling misses.

Shouldve see the tears on the players when you obliterate whole marine squads in seconds.


See, I'm tempted to have a force that consists of Karandaras and some Scorpions, few squads of Dire Avengers, Banshees, Dragons and possibly Shining Spears then throw in some Wraithlords and possibly a falcon. Horribly expensive to build though and would need to throw in a Farseer and a couple of Locks. Ho hum, we shall see...
I like the ghostly / ethereal green look on the skeletons too - an approach I'd not have considered before but have gotten some ideas now I'd like to try :) Even though I'm not sure if that's just your flash / lighting playing up in the photos or not!

It's the flash m'fraid :p

There's a pic in the last page, showing what the [unfinished] skeletons look like in decent light :p
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Anybody got some unpainted or unmade space marines that they don't want by any chance? Still in the crappy stages of my painting abilities and I don't really fancy paying lots of money to GW to get some basic space marines when I eventually want to move on to something more interesting :p
If you want cheap marines to practice painting on, one of the best places is ebay (look for models from the Black reach set for example), assuming no one has some spares kicking around.

Unfortunately I don't have a marine army at all at the moment, as I seem to go for the unclean alien types :) (I used to have some DE, now Tau, Chaos and nids)
If you have a look through the model club "fairs", you might find one local to you in which case the bring and buy tables are often pretty good places to get models cheap (and see what they are like before parting with your cash).
Anyone know anything about Warhammer Fantasy rules?

Just compiling my army list for Empire and I want my General to have some gear. He is modeled with 1 sword, but I want to give him 2 magical swords, now can I do this and effectively have the 2 buffs on 1 sword? (+1 attack and always hit on 2+)??
Anyone know anything about Warhammer Fantasy rules?

Just compiling my army list for Empire and I want my General to have some gear. He is modeled with 1 sword, but I want to give him 2 magical swords, now can I do this and effectively have the 2 buffs on 1 sword? (+1 attack and always hit on 2+)??

I've never played empire so can't say for sure.
But you should check your Army book, they wil lcontain specific rules for each weapon upgrade. Generally with my VC army, you couldn't stack 2 buffs on the same weapon. If you could it was noted as an exception.
Read the rules, then each buff clearly. It should say if you can.

Regards to the unit only showing 1 sword. Depending on who/where you play, some people may enforce the WYSIWYG rule strictly. So if your not too good at conversion, I'd strap on a sheathed sword to his back/hip. I can probably dig out an old metal Black knight sword I can post you. It aint pretty, but it'll do the job :p

You should also take into account if the unit itself is allowed an extra weapon, and his "upgrades" point cost. If its not expressly written that he can, or cannot. You'll need to agree with your opponent before hand and decide on a suitible point cost for the 2nd weapon. (If its friends, they should be ok with a slight bending of rules, but its better to make sure in case someone creis foul play)
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OK, So I bought a Volley Gun, 30 handgunners, 5 outriders, 2 mages and the horse for Ludvig of a bloke at the local store on Friday, for a meager £40. Done an awesome conversion on the horse, using the chaos sorcerer from the Manticore, he is my Wizard Lord, using Death Magic.

Here is the base for the volley gun, currently painting it, and leaving my Lord until the end, save the best till last?

I stumbled across this model earlier. I had totally forgotten about it as it's taken many years to complete. It may not be a Warhammer or even a Games Workshop model but it's the best dragon model i've ever seen. Now i just need to hope that there's some left once i manage to get £200 together, and even then there's a 6 month wait.
I stumbled across this model earlier. I had totally forgotten about it as it's taken many years to complete. It may not be a Warhammer or even a Games Workshop model but it's the best dragon model i've ever seen. Now i just need to hope that there's some left once i manage to get £200 together, and even then there's a 6 month wait.

Is that legit? Seems a bit dodgy the way the payment works haha
Is that legit? Seems a bit dodgy the way the payment works haha

IIRC for custom produced items it's legal, as you're effectively paying a non refundable deposit with the instalment method.

It doesn't seem to go against the SOGA etc either in that they don't say you can't return a faulty item, but again with models it's fairly standard to assume you're going to have to do some minor work on them (clean up mould lines, possibly fill in some gaps at joints).
After almost ruining some Boyz from the Assault on Black Reach starter pack i decided to get my BigMek done. Taken a few days but it's finally finished, very pleased with him after 15 years of painting nothing.



Looking forward to next week, i'll be getting my hands on a fantasy Orc & Goblin army nice and cheap!
Will only take me a year to paint, if i'm lucky.

Anyone play O&G regularly, what would make up a good starter 1000-1500 point army? Just so i know i'm not buying units i wouldn't use.
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Black Templar V Grey Knights V Imperial Guard

My Templar got squished but im playing with a very old codex!

GK won but only because he cheated and we didnt realise til after....oh well. Fun was had by all!

How do you guys managed bases.

I use coarse ballast,then paint it Normally muddy brown, with highlights then a dark wash. (Which imo is a pita). I do have a lot of other textured flock, but the painting option seems to give best results.

You guys any tips?
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