Tabletop Warhammer?

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Btw if anyone wants to order from Element Games and hasn't already. They have a referral program where you both get double element crystals (their discount scheme) if you sign up using a code. Let me know if you want it :)
Well I've still got my Tau list waiting :p Might want to stick a note in the Season 2 thread and see if anyone wants a warm up? I was thinking of setting a date this weekend for first list submission (maybe 2 weeks?)
id be up for a game but ill give first refusal to season 2 warm ups.

What plastic glue do people recommend? I think its revel ive seen mentioned about the net? What about super glue? Both mine are coming to the end and I have a lot to do and my first magnetising to do.
Revell Contacta Pro for plastic glue like the majority of people and I personally use Zap-a-Gap CA (Thin and Med) with their Zipkicker catalyst when its needed. Be warned these are not like normal CA's as they do contain some fillers and give a stronger but thicker bond and will fill fine detail if too much is used.
cheers guys thats it ordered.

also Ive never played apoc but the rumours sound awesome. Really need to play a game of this once Ive got my Salamanders to a decent level.
so ace, what night do you want to play? or do you want to try a 3 player game again if shami is up for it too?

I'm up for trying that, all the same codex?

thats a lot of orks on one table :P

Im up for any night really since I have nothing on next weekend really (which after last weekend and this weekend coming is amazing)

Im up for a 3 way Ork scrap.

1000pts this time? Just to stop it going on forever?
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