Tabletop Warhammer?

Have to agree it is a pretty damn expensive hobby,
But hell a £15 box set of 12 warriors will keep me entertained for about 6-7 hours through building painting etc.
So for me its pretty damn cheap :)
Tried getting back into this a while ago (a few friends still play) but didn't have the time/patience. Here's some pics of the stuff I painted last year before giving up.


I played and created when I was younger and stopped for a while because I thought everything was pointless. :p

But now I want to get back into it and actually finish my LotR models. I made Chaos models and Imperial models, 40k of course.
dug out my paint station last night, along with some dark angels yet to be painted. Been awhile since I painted anything though.

Nice pics from people so far, my painting skills pale in comparison
There are some really nice models being shown in this thread :)

A couple of my tanks that are currently nearing finishing (they're further along than these pictures, as this was just after the Airbrush).

Although my quality of painting isn't great as i'm more a "get them on the table" type of person.
I used some frisket film cut as individual stencils/masks for each of the lighter areas (a mask master and very sharp scalpel).

It took a fraction of the time for me to do them (and a trio of piranha's) that way than by hand :)

I still need to do a lot of the detail work on them as I got them to "ok to play" colours (all the basic colours), but need to do highlights/shading etc.
I think that will wait until I get the 9 suits and nearly 30 drones I've got on my desk base coated though:p
i know this is kinda captain obvious but its really interesting to see so many people with the same interests and hobbies on these forums. sold all mine on a car boot a few years ago, shame because i am generally quite good at art for my age and used to love painting them, i also had some of my uncles old 30+ years war hammer (looked about 100 :p) shame i never new there value as much back then as i sold around £250 worth for £20 on te car bootey
I paint, never really played. Enjoyed a few games of Necromunda way back when, but I could never afford to put together a proper army for 40k or Fantasy. Now i just paint the odd model, nothing uniform. Still hang out in the PA 40k and Painting threads though.
I've not touched mine for 2 years nearly now I think, but I was a big Dark Elf fan. I've collected on off since I was 11. I've still got my Space Marines from then; loads unpainted.

Here's a few of mine, excuse quality:






You guys suck. You're making me want to build some models now. :(

This, some really well painted models in here. I think I might have to get back in to it, even if it's mainly for the modelling/painting side of things. Gonna pop down to my local GW with my son at the weekend :)
i have about 4k of marines (pre heresy Dark Angels)
And 2k of High elves.

I dont buy models any more, and have moved to Flames of War, models are cheaper and teh rule set better.

Went into GW today, and cold not believe a codex is now 17.50
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