Tabletop Warhammer?

I'm sure I can find something to donate as well (actually I've thought of something :))

We could have winners for:

Painting (painting quality)
Modelling (conversions, posing etc)
Theme (colour scheme regardless of painting ability, fluff etc)

That should allow people of all abilities a chance?

if anyone else has something they'd be willing to donate that would give us three prizes :)
Oh yeah, and has to be on a standard 25mm base with no other models on the base (could have a corpse though I guess), No Space Marine in the middle of an elaborate dinner plate sized scenic base :p
So much for not buying anything until you've painted the rest, then! I'm still really annoyed about the new Chaplain not being available separately. I don't want a command squad! :(

Board WIP not as good as previous photos but I'm going for lava land
Sorry, gonna ask this question again, does anybody varnish their model?

Seems to quite a few products around, I know I should go for a matte, but not sure whether I should get a spray or not.
Must admit, this is just looking like an excuse to buy the new tactical squad :P shame!

Sorry, gonna ask this question again, does anybody varnish their model?

Seems to quite a few products around, I know I should go for a matte, but not sure whether I should get a spray or not.

I on occasion use the GW varnish, I have had no issues with it but various people online seem to say its poop.
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