Tabletop Warhammer?


The Golden Codpieces

A descendent chapter of the Raven Guard, like them they focus on stealth combat techniques. Due to a tradition lost in time however each marine has his codpiece done in burnished gold, to represent one part of the Emperor's armour.

The last thing the enemy sees before they're destroyed is a golden codpiece coming out of the shadows.

The Golden Codpieces

A descendent chapter of the Raven Guard, like them they focus on stealth combat techniques. Due to a tradition lost in time however each marine has his codpiece done in burnished gold, to represent one part of the Emperor's armour.

The last thing the enemy sees before they're destroyed is a golden codpiece coming out of the shadows.

Just got hold of this. It was sealed. I was expecting them to be plastic ones similar to what you got in the 2nd edition starter set, but other than arms and weapons (excluding the missile launcher and flamer), they're metal. They can go in my collection of retro Space Marines (amongst the assorted random stuff is one of these guys). :cool:

Confirmed: No Heavy Flamers for Tactical or Devastator squads.

Ordered £20 of Space Marine bits last night from bitzbox! Couple for the space marine competition but most for my future 'one space marine from each chapter' plan.
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