Tabletop Warhammer?

Got some Grey Knight Terminators for the craic. Really loving Grey Knights atm, their models are awesome and I love how they seem to favour CQC.

Yeah I was rather bored of my csm so thought a second army would be a good choice for the variety it can be mundane doing the same theme throughout the army lol
Been a bit lazy with my painting, but I'm now ready to have a bash a weathering, I've painted up 2 pieces for the experiment.


I was going to paint the feet with maybe a textured brown paint, but 1st I want to have a go at the sponge technique, but I have no idea what colour to use? :confused:
I think he's compensating for a lack of books and miscelaneous scripture on his armour, you know what these Terminators are like, always competing........
Well my friend with the IG was down at the weekend so we worked out what he wanted painting on commission.

I added in my remaining unpainted Tau and took the below pic. Quite frankly I may be some time...

This is just a pic of the unpainted models in my house that need to be done. Still buying more too...
Can anyone give me some help here with my attempt at weathering.
Tried my hand at sponge weathering, since it seemed like the quickest and the easiest, but I've made a mess of it.


Tried to highlight the chips like the guide said, but I had a real hard time keeping the highlights small. I know I shouldn't blame my tools, but don't think my Citadel fine detail brush was up to the task.
Tbh the Citadel brushes are pants in general. They do not hold a point like they should. On a good brush you should be able to do fine detail with a sharp point on a 1 or even 2. The extra volume also makes holding wet paint easier as small brushes dry out faster.

get new brushes and keep practicing. On the chips try a darker colour opposite the highlight to act as shadow too.
Tbh the Citadel brushes are pants in general. They do not hold a point like they should. On a good brush you should be able to do fine detail with a sharp point on a 1 or even 2. The extra volume also makes holding wet paint easier as small brushes dry out faster.

get new brushes and keep practicing. On the chips try a darker colour opposite the highlight to act as shadow too.

Thanks for the help, can you recommend a good brand of brushes, ordered myself a ultra fine Tamiya brush earlier to try out.
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