Tabletop Warhammer?

Thanks for the help, can you recommend a good brand of brushes, ordered myself a ultra fine Tamiya brush earlier to try out.

Depends how much you want to spend really, A few on here use Winsor and Newton series 7, but that's the expensive side of the scale but very good quality (apparently), I use Rosemary & Co 401 red sable blend which are cheap (around £2 a brush) but very good quality, better than GW brushes. Alternatively if you want to stick with GW/Citadel brushes then you can get the entire set on ebay for £20 (exactly the same as the set that costs £40 on GW site).
I would try and get two good quality Kolinsky brushes, one a small size (0 or 00) and then a size1. Windsor & Newton Series 7 and Raphael 8404 are both great. Then have some cheaper brushes for washing/basecoating etc and an older cut down brush for drybrushing and stippling if you need it.

Also the Kickstarter that did the dual ended Kolinsky brushes are launching their store at 9pm tomorrow with a 15% off code for kickstarter backers, if anyone wants the code PM me :)
I would try and get two good quality Kolinsky brushes, one a small size (0 or 00) and then a size1. Windsor & Newton Series 7 and Raphael 8404 are both great. Then have some cheaper brushes for washing/basecoating etc and an older cut down brush for drybrushing and stippling if you need it.

Also the Kickstarter that did the dual ended Kolinsky brushes are launching their store at 9pm tomorrow with a 15% off code for kickstarter backers, if anyone wants the code PM me :)

I used W&N galleria for a while then I bought some series 7. Initially I didnt like the series 7 as they were a lot softer however Im now a big fan as they always reform into a point.
I can vouch for the Rosemary and Co brushes... they are leagues ahead of the citadel brushes... I found just switching brushes helped my painting immensely... its just a shame I am still unable to paint anything worthwhile lol.
I also recommend Rosemary & Co. for the majority of your brushes, they are far better than Citadel/Army Painter/P3 etc. and the price isn't bad. I would definitely recommend a Winsor & Newton Series 7 (the full-length one, not the short one) in either a 0 or 1 (I have the latter) as the points on them are great. I find the Series 7 better for detail work than the Raphael 8404, although the latter is better for larger areas as it holds a little more paint.

Just remember to take very good care of them so they last a long time. :p
Has anyone looked at the Dark Vengeance box set? It seems extraordinary value when you think it can be had for £53, and comes with 48 units! An army of Dark Angels and an army of Chaos. Any idea what the quality of models are, as I understand they're clip together ones instead.
The quality is excellent, there's just not really easy options for posing and conversion. SO basically your units will likely look like everyone else's. Also the iconography means you'll need to do extensive work if you want them to be anything other than Dark Angels.
No that's fine by me, I quite like the design of the models in the set, and I've always been interested in painting Chaos, they just look a bit daunting.

Would anyone be able to give me a list of the paints I'd need? If they have the time that is!
The DV set is great for Dark Angels, for chaos you had better like cultists as you get 20 of the ****ers! A few odd issues from moulding on my DV set but apart from that the models are great.

My gf ordered some Vanguard the other day, so jealous the sprues look awesome!

This got me wondering about vanguard v warp talons, similar unit in some ways

- both jump troops
- both can be equipped with twin lightning claws

However their seems to be a huge point difference, 19pts for vanguard, 30pts for warp talon.

The vanguard can also take twin claws for free (do not remember seeing "a model may replace bolter with twin claws" in the SM codex).

A vanguard unit gets 2 attacks, a warp talon gets 1, except for the champion.

Both units have same S, T and I.

Warp Talons do get the daemon special rule (which is fearless and 5+ inv if i remember correctly, dont have a codex/rulebook near me)

This just seems really really imbalanced for a very similar amount of power. Those numbers are all from memory so they may be wrong but not far off.

@MoNkeE, I am going to do the renegade pimp marines experiment tonight, see how it looks :P will post a pic if I manage to finish it.
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I actually thought the cultist look really fun to paint tbh :) and I sorta (altho I vowed I never would) like the idea of having to armies and rule book etc to actually try and play with :X

LordHughes, I wasn't kidding about that cookie if you do! Haha.
If you want to look at it now then it's in my dropbox. If you want an invite PM me your email address :)

Vanguard take twin claws for free? Try 30pts for the pair :p
I can vouch for the Rosemary and Co brushes... they are leagues ahead of the citadel brushes... I found just switching brushes helped my painting immensely... its just a shame I am still unable to paint anything worthwhile lol.

What type do you use – there are so many of them I have only ever used GW brushes but they are splitting really quickly and I think its starting to affect my painting 
I actually thought the cultist look really fun to paint tbh :) and I sorta (altho I vowed I never would) like the idea of having to armies and rule book etc to actually try and play with :X

I thought they were cool too, then I painted 8 of them (pics somewhere in this thread), It is a great box though and great value for the number of models and a rulebook/dice/template plus a guide to playing (which is quite good) and some quick reference sheets.

LordHughes, I wasn't kidding about that cookie if you do! Haha.


What type do you use – there are so many of them I have only ever used GW brushes but they are splitting really quickly and I think its starting to affect my painting 

Try Red Sable Blend series 401.
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