Tabletop Warhammer?

Okay why did no one tell me how huge the DreadKnight is?! I've constructed a foot and leg so far and it's already the size of my Sentinel........!


Couple wip of my Librarian
NIce Librarian there :)

The Whole chapter purchase thing just goes to show how much they favour space marines.... as does all the 1 click purchase and the excessive amount of limited edition codex's :(
Does anyone have any tips on learning how to do freehand stuff well? I want to paint up a really nice company standard, but when it comes to drawing and the like, I'm really not very good at it. :o
Ok, because I'm bored and doing anything to stop thinking about GTA5...I may have totalled up the chapter.

This is me taking either average or possible to equip with given contents of box wargear.

It comes in at... *drumroll*

40,251 points!

and takes up a whopping 15 Force Organisation charts!

Now watch his CSM opponent take 45 Heldrakes :D
45 Heldrakes you say...? :)

Well I did a quick count.

Twin linked lascannon x 29
Cyclone missile launchers x 11
Missile launchers x 55
Plasma cannons x 13
Mutli Meltas x 13
Lascannons x 14
Demolisher cannon x 2

I'm not up to date on the rules so that doesn't include Centurion weapons and some of the weapons on the new Rhino based vehicles. Also doesn't include the plasma pistols/guns, melta guns, combi weapons, melta bombs, krak grenades... etc :)

With armies that large whoever got the first turn probably wins :).
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