Tabletop Warhammer?

How much is in your painting queue? How's your marine coming? I've definitely stopped buying now (I know I've said this before :p) Still working on the White Scar and my marine.
How much is in your painting queue? How's your marine coming? I've definitely stopped buying now (I know I've said this before :p) Still working on the White Scar and my marine.

I do have quite the queue, but to explain my logic behind buying some more stuff (:D). I am about to start a Red Scorpions marine project, so the models I will be buying are to complete this project that is going into a display case (rubbish excuse I know :p) I already have some of the models for it, just wanted to buy everything for the project up front and then crack on!

As far as my marine, haven't started yet :/

What white scars are you painting (model wise)?
Just the one, I've kitbashed the Vanguard, Sternguard and Tactical squad boxes (along with some other bits) into a marine from each chapter (done about 23 I think) Thought I'd start with the White Scar and get painting white out of the way!
Just the one, I've kitbashed the Vanguard, Sternguard and Tactical squad boxes (along with some other bits) into a marine from each chapter (done about 23 I think) Thought I'd start with the White Scar and get painting white out of the way!

Oh wow, that's a pretty cool project. Are you doing both sides of Marine or just the one?
Just the loyalists, I may do a similar thing for Heresy era at some point as well but that's likely a few years off at my speed :p

lol, fair enough. Hersey would like pretty smart, especially with some of the FW models out :p

Do you paint to collect then?
Yeah, can't be doing with armies any more. Would bore me doing the same scheme and I don't know anyone near enough to play with in real life.

That's fair enough, if you have a collection or display you should get some photos up. Would be really interested to see as I prefer to paint and collect rather than play and I love seeing other peoples collections :D
Only a tiny percentage is painted :p

Here's what I've done so far:

I have several things in progress that I should really get round to finishing, got a terrible habit of moving on to the newest thing :p Asurmen in particular is not far off finishing but I just haven't got round to it. Here is the latest WIP but I've done more since that:

I'll have to take a look when I get home, pics won't load on work pc.

On another note, I may or may not have just spent £150 on models :rolleyes:
1x Dreadnought (for the comp prize)
1x Venerable Dread
1x Stormtalon
1x New Tac Squad
1x Centurion
1x Sternguard Veterans
1x Land Speeder Storm


Going to go pick the order up from Triple Helix after work (going to leave soon), I think they have most of it in!
Ah, I'm painting one of those for my thing :) Got one of the shoulder pads of the bay.

I've been tempted by the FW pads, they look pretty awesome! How much did you pay If you don't mind me asking?

Thought I would share the stuff I have for the Red Scorps Display I'll be doing:


I need to get back to some modelling- finally unpacked so should be able to glue some tactical marines.

Nice haul Spuj

Thanks, quite a daunting task ahead :D

If you can get a tactical marine out, you should join the comp if you haven't already!
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