Tabletop Warhammer?

I've been tempted by the FW pads, they look pretty awesome! How much did you pay If you don't mind me asking?

Thought I would share the stuff I have for the Red Scorps Display I'll be doing:



What is the green thing top right ? Is it a nurgle hybrid ?
What is the green thing top right ? Is it a nurgle hybrid ?

You should see the stats for that badboy!! Makes Terminators look like ants!

gad dammit spuj, I am jealous! have fun ;)

Has anyone started their SM yet for the comp?

Oh I will, I love building models so got enough to keep me happy :D

As for the comp I cleaned all the mold lines of the model and gave it a spray of basecoat yesterday, going to start painting on the weapon today as i'm still undecided on colours for the actual model!

Indeed, got my base layers down. Should really do more before GTA online starts working properly :p

Unfortunately GTA is what is taking up most of my spare time. Had a look at those Elder you posted last night, looking really good! I really like the current WIP you are doing to!
Yeah I should really go back and finish Asurmen, I'm very happy with the bits I've done but I couldn't get the sword right and sort of lost inspiration. He's my nemesis really, one of the few models I have left over from the first time I played 40k (a decade or so ago!) so I'm determined to do a good job. In fact the only other unpainted model I have left over is the Njal Stormcaller one I'm offering up for the competition :)
Yeah I should really go back and finish Asurmen, I'm very happy with the bits I've done but I couldn't get the sword right and sort of lost inspiration. He's my nemesis really, one of the few models I have left over from the first time I played 40k (a decade or so ago!) so I'm determined to do a good job. In fact the only other unpainted model I have left over is the Njal Stormcaller one I'm offering up for the competition :)

So what's left in your painting queue? Any plans for more models?

5 Wolf Guard terminators (started)
Necron overlord
Dark Eldar Archon
4 Infinity models
Wraithknight (still need to model tabard)
5 Wraithblades
Jetbike from Studio Mcvey (started)
3 models from Kingdom Death
24 Space Marines (2 started)

I think that's it! It's not a ridiculous number, I'm just a very slow painter.

I have vague plans for the future, I'd love to do some Forge World stuff, especially a Contemptor Dread at some point. The Heresy Praetor models are great and probably a Primarch or two...
Wow that is a pretty nice list. I noticed no big vehicles, they not your thing?

As far as Dreads go, the Contemptor is my favourite, although the banner on the FW Ultramarine Dread is epic!
I wouldn't say they're not my thing (plus the Wraithknight is flipping huge :p)

I'm not sure about painting vehicles without an airbrush, I think I'd stay away from anything larger than a dread. The Wraithknight...I'm not entirely sure whether to wait for an airbrush or try it by hand.
I wouldn't say they're not my thing (plus the Wraithknight is flipping huge :p)

I'm not sure about painting vehicles without an airbrush, I think I'd stay away from anything larger than a dread. The Wraithknight...I'm not entirely sure whether to wait for an airbrush or try it by hand.

Ok yeh those are pretty big :p

I can see what you mean, I've seen some excellent fully handpainted tanks on Dakka Dakka but it did take them a while and there is always the complication of brush noticeble brush strokes on larger areas (although I guess this can be avoided by watering the paints down a bit).
I am wanting to buy a Riptide but I have never used an airbrush and wouldnt know where to start. Do people just use water to 'water down' their paints?.....I am scared to buy it incase I stuff it up :(
I started with water. You can use it and it does an okay job (people recommend distilled water over tap water, but I didn't notice too much difference) but there are better things out there. At the moment, I use Liquitex Airbrush Medium, which is a thin acrylic medium but other people use things like the Vallejo thinner, Windex, alcohol etc. depending on the kind of paints they're using. You can also get paints that will run through the airbrush without needing to be thinned first (Vallejo Model Air, Badger Minitaire) but you don't have quite the same selection of colours.
I havnt bought an airbrush yet, I will be recieving £50 voucher for amazon so I was looking to get one. I wouldnt know where to start with using one or what size I need or anything like that...I am going to look into when I get in from work because its my birthday next week so need to get a list together!
0.35mm should be fine. I have 0.2 and 0.35, and then the H&S which has both 0.2 and 0.4 needle/nozzle options. You'll want to make sure that it's a dual-action airbrush (your air and paint flows are controlled by separate movements - push down for air, pull back for paint) and ideally gravity-fed as opposed to suction-fed (side-fed can be okay, if you have something decent, but the one I have is nothing but trouble). Learning control will take time, but it's good to do exercises with dots and lines (I've got some links somewhere; I'll try to find them when I get home).
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