Tabletop Warhammer?

Ive had my armies for YEARS now and just can't bring myself to get rid of them, I would love to get back into it when i have some expendable cash. I am going to rally my 40K Orc army (quite small aquired through buying from someone back in school) Catachan Imperial Guard (my largest and favourite army, with Ratlins, Ogrins, assasins and a few tanks) and my warhammer Chaos army (which is quite basic but a lot of troops) together and take them down to GW see what can still be used.

This thread has been a real pain, it makes me want to start again but really dont have the money atm. Looking into gamesday aswell considering i live in Birmingham. Any tips on someone looking at coming back to playing the game after 13 years?
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Ive had my armies for YEARS now and just can't bring myself to get rid of them, I would love to get back into it when i have some expendable cash. I am going to rally my 40K Orc army (quite small aquired through buying from someone back in school) Catachan Imperial Guard (my largest and favourite army, with Ratlins, Ogrins, assasins and a few tanks) and my warhammer Chaos army (which is quite basic but a lot of troops) together and take them down to GW see what can still be used.

This thread has been a real pain, it makes me want to start again but really dont have the money atm. Looking into gamesday aswell considering i live in Birmingham. Any tips on someone looking at coming back to playing the game after 13 years?

Massive savings will be made if you avoid GW modelling products such as their paints and tools, they're massively overpriced for what they are, and often aren't the most suitable tools either.
Also GW have stopped some of the old "standard" colours to make room for the inks/foundation paints, which can be a minor pita if you're trying to match colours with older models.
I won't say what I think of the GW pots, except the newer ones don't hold a candle to the old style ones - the 90's pots can still be usable today (my brother has some that are 10+ years old and usable with a good shake, as do several friends), both the more recent pot styles seem to lead to the paint drying out fairly fast (I now store them in airtight boxes with a few drops of water).

I've been trying some of the P3 paints because I needed a match to "classic" colours* and they were the closest ones, and iirc cheaper for more volume...

I tend to use Vallejo paints, whilst my brother has a load of different types.

For tools I've actually found a Swan Morton number 3 scalpel with the number 10a blades great** (and cheap), combined with a pair of mini wire cutters (rolson do some that have very thin cutting blades), and are much cheaper than the GW or a lot of the modelling stuff :)
Likewise things like the drill bits for pinning can be bought from Screwfix cheap, and a proper model shop will normally have a variety of pin drills cheap (I've ended up with a pair of archemedes action ones, a normal metal one, and one with a larger wooden handle).

*IIRC Fiery Orange and Warlord Purple for example.

**Unlink a lot of the cheap knives with removable blades, it actually holds the blade very securely, iirc it's about <£6 with 5 blades, and the blades are <£1 a for 10 (you can buy them by the hundred).
Thanks a lot for the replies lads, the paints esspecially as i have a lot of old paints so hopefully they are still good. It sucks about the paints changing as they have, would have thought they would get better over time. Dropping paints like Fiery Orange and Worlord Purple i am guessing is because not so many people bought them and they think of making money aswell. Other than models and paints i didn't buy anything from GW back in the day, always used hobbie and model shops, when buying the models i used to wait for the 3 for 2 days or other deals.

Has the game itself changed a lot over time, i expect some changes but not sure how much as new factions being added tended to be followed by balance tweeks of sorts. I really enjoyed playing and i think that will be my main aim as my Catachan army only need tweaking and a few additions and if i took up base warhammer again i would build a new army.
If you want quick and easy then black base coat and dry brush with boltgun metal.

Black base, then boltgun metal. with minor dry brushing with chainmail.
I'd then wash it with either devlan mud, or greyphone sepia. Depending on what tone you want.

Say what you will about the new paints/pots (they suck). The new washes are awesome. 100% better than the old inks.

*edit* I have found though. THat if the paint is very thick and gloopy (over time), you can add thinner to keep it usable. won't work if they're bone dry m'fraid
Ok guys, Need help here, again. Going to pick up a Batallion on Friday, but unsure as to what army to grab.

Can you guys give me player insites into the following please, I have spoken to GW staff and in store players, just cannot decide.

Not sure what to go with, Ogres (For the awesome new models and thats it...), Lizardmen (Dinosaur look alikes...) or Tomb Kings?

Can you guys give me info on building/painting/gaming with each of those 3 please, help me make my mind up?
go for what you like the look of most.


Don't worry about how they play so much (that changes every few years, and every time any army has a rule change*), go for the ones you like the models for, as generally you'll be spending a fair amount of time on them, so it's better to go for something you like the look of, than something that might currently play well.

Remember it's meant to be fun, so go for what looks like it'll be fun to paint/play :)

I quite like my Tau, although against some Marines and many orcs they are in serious trouble on many boards (the best normal Tau CC unit is probably a Gun Drone!), but they are nice models and can be really fun to play.
Daemons are great fun in some ways, but they can be a real PITA to get on the board as they all drop on their deployment rule means you can't get all the "good" units on at once (or at best have a 50/50 chance of doing so).

If you're going for a "horde" army with lots of units, especially in Fantasy, you don't need to paint every model to the same level, you can usually get away with painting the models for the second/third ranks to a lower standards (IE less detail), as they'll normally be largely hidden from view behind the front rank.

*For example if you spec your army to be uber at the moment, chances are the moment one of the opposing armies has a new rule book your old force will need reorganising (or indeed when you get a new book, your force may no longer be valid).
Tomb Kings would probably work out cheaper because you could swap out the skeletons for Mantic ones for half the price.

As for paint matching colours, fear not. Cote de Arms (who used to make the GW range when it was in the old pop-top bottles) publish their own range now. You can find all the old colours there albeit with slightly different names.
Tomb Kings it is then.

Forget Ogres, only like 3 models, Firebelly, Stonetusk and big shooty cannon thing...

Tomb Kings look EPIC, so I think I will bag them on Friday and annoy people who are bumming off Ogres :D
Has anybody made there own Fulcrums for fantasy? If so, can you upload some pics please, would like some inspiration.

I am thinking of grabbing the Magewrath Throne and Moonscape boxes, making a small crater with the balefire erupting out with the throne seated ontop, unsure at the mo.
Right. So I have struck a deal on a ton of Tomb Kings, 2 Battalions, Tomb King, Lich Priest foot and mounted, 3 Ushabti and 2 Scorpions (cba checking e-mail to confirm).

I am thinking that this is a good basic TK army.

What other things would you add to make it a strong 2K point army? I am thinking the Necro Knights and Stalkers, also a big Jade Monster (Necrosphinx) and some Tomb Gaurd? Maybe some Ushabti with bog bows?

I have my 2K point Empire army built and tested, works well, and my 1K army works well. Just need to get it all painted, nothing like seeing a full 2K army painted on the tabletop.
tomb king on warsphinx is a great unit, I managed to tear through Lizard men with that & a necrosphinx yesterday. Would go for more Liche priests if it was me at 2000. Tombkings really need the magic phase, its the only way to get a march move, resurecting unit casualties etc
I tend to find with gold/metals it's often best to do two or three thin coats.

It might also be worth trying an intermediate colour between the black and the gold to avoid having to do the gold straight onto the black (it often helps with other colours).

And I must get on with doing more of my models, i've not touched them for weeks.
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