Tabletop Warhammer?

My brother does both the nids and the orks, he was hoping the orks first but it will be good to see how the develop the armies like Sham says...I must get painting again still need to finish my CSM army 1500pt or so and my little tau which I have started but havnt played with them yet as I do meet the requirments to use them. Still need to get myself the starter pack for them. I also got hold of some metal sniper drones
From what I gather from the nid update, it is actually looking like Janurary full release due to the Dark Elves being such a big one (Over October and November with all but 3 boxes being changed + new releases). They will have a new flyer unit, a new monster unit and updates to some of the other units (like the new tac marines for example). They will also be the first release to have no finecast at all (everthing will now be plastic).

Haven't played nids so not sure about rules, but from what I can gather they will be getting new powers (destructive and augmentive) plus some other stuff to help with the CC vs Range.
I think I may have found a use for assault squads. Two flamers in a drop pod is 95pts. That seems a reasonable deal to me for an all drop pod list im working on (Currently its an 8pod list at 1500).
8?? I'd round that down to seven, you usually want an odd number. Yeah the small assault squad with flamers is quite point efficient. Shame the sarge can't take a combi weapon!
Yeah I realise everyone goes on about an odd number but with 7 or 8 im still dropping 4 on turn 1. I'm not sure exactly why having an odd number is so important as I would still be dropping all my hard hitting stuff turn 1 whilst having smaller stuff to follow up. Infact this is the list as it stands since ive been bored at work on battlescribe


Chaplain, MC Power Fist (In turn 1 assault squad drop)


10 man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Multi Melta, MC Combi Flamer, Drop Pod


10 man Tactical Squad, Flamer, Multi Melta, MC Combi Flamer, Drop Pod



Ironclad, Ironclad Assault Launchers, 2 Heavy Flamers, Drop Pod


7 Man Sternguard Squad, 2 Heavy Flamer, 2 Combi Flamer, MC Combi Flamer, Drop Pod


7 Man Sternguard Squad, 4 Combi Melta, MC Combi Melta, Drop Pod


Fast Attack

5 Man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, MC Bolt Pistol, Swap Jump Packs for Drop Pod


5 Man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, MC Bolt Pistol, Swap Jump Packs for Drop Pod


5 Man Assault Squad, 2 Flamer, MC Bolt Pistol, Swap Jump Packs for Drop Pod



Cant deal with flyers which hasnt been an issue lately as my current list cant either really but all ive faced recently is a dakkajet and I boltered that down. No grav centurions for wraithknight/riptide killing but I havent faced one in a while and most lists seem to only have 1 so I will leave them to sternguard for now

Turn 1 drop is ironclad, both sternguard and an assualt squad

EDIT: another plan is to swap 2 assault squads for a command squad with apothecary and 4 flamers
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The odd number is generally aimed for because you want the highest percentage of your force on the table after the first drop as possible, especially if your entire force is coming down in pods. Some bad reserve rolls and you can end up facing an entire army with half your army for a few turns. It's a risky strategy, especially if your opponent deploys to counter it (bubble wrapping his vehicles and elite units for example)
Yeah ok I get that actually. Im not saying I would ever run this on the table although it is bringing a lot of flamer turn 1 and against xenos it would do reasonably well I would think especially with re rolls.
It would work very well against some lists, then fall very hard against others. Eldar in Wave Serpents for example would just sit at with their rear armour against the back of the board (much like I did) and soak it up with the Serpent Shields. Tyranids and Orks can both bubble wrap with ease so the most you can kill are the weak units. Dark Eldar would take heavy damage but they also usually have a lot of squads so there would probably still be plenty left.
Yeah at the moment im just toying around with ideas for a list that takes advantage of the chapter tactics. Its not the easiest tactic to take advantage of unless you run vulkan and add melta into the mix but im trying avoid that for now.
Got an email from GW advertising the first Codex:SM supplement called "Sentinels of Terra"

It's Imperial Fists this time, and looking at the rumours, Iron Hands potentially in November!

Also looks like they're concentrating on one company from each chapter rather than the whole chapter. Does that mean they'll release more supplements for other companies in the chapter further down the line? That'd be a lot of books!
GW digital showed the iron hands cover today and said once they hit 4000likes they will show the next digital exclusive codex. Im guessing the next one will be the Ultras supplement
Anyone tried Dreadball before?

I haven't but a lot of my old gaming group are into it. They backed it through the Kickstarter so they've got everything super cheap but it looks fairly inexpensive compared to GW anyway.

Apparently it's a very good game. There's a review on Shut Up & Sit Down if you're interested. I'm not sure I agree with the reviewer when he says that the models are amazing though. The ones I've seen have been pretty variable in quality. My friends definitely find the rules very satisfying though.
After a 20 year break I've decided to get back into painting minis :) - mainly due to zombicide, which is awesome. I'm not so keen on the current GW stuff btw- it's all chunky. Anyways, my skills were basic at best back then and by now they're going to be rusty as hell. Has anyonw tried the army painter quickshade one wash does all range? I've got nearly a 100 zombies and scores of survivors to paint and want to finish this decade!
Im a big fan of the army painter primers but Im not overly keen on the dip idea. I would probably stick with GW washes or the like. Something like agrax earthshade over a zombie would probably be fine.

EDIT: by that I mean paint the base colours on then wash. If its a group of 100 models that would probably look good and you can always go back to add detail later
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They can get you to a quick table top level. I would say it would be perfect for Zombicide. The miniatures aren't really good enough to warrant a great deal of time.
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