Tabletop Warhammer?

Well since the necron book came out I've finished 20 warriors, a ghost ark( not fun to put together at all) 5 scarabs, 10 immortals, 5 praetorians( which probably won't be used for a while now I don't think) 3 wraiths and a night scythe. Primed up waiting to paint I have my spyder and 3 more wraiths and a command barge (that I was going to use I'm my 1250 highlander tournament next week but I've changed my list). Waiting to be primed I have my overlord and 9 tomb blades and another 20 warriors. Which leaves me 2 ghost arks, another 20 warriors and 3 doom scythes to start. Although I'm waiting on the doom scythes to arrive.

As for how I can power through? Honestly I'm not sure I think it's really just down to my desire to get playing as quick as I can mixed with the fact I don't paint fully assembled models so I need to finish a model before I can play a game. It also helps I'm using a silver primer and a black primer so that helps burn through a lot of the models. Warriors in particular dont take that long to do
new window displays at work



2 units of necron warriors finished



& unit of deathmarks that are almost done

Nearly finished up my Y'Vahra. Just the transfers, sealing and base to do.

Ordered a triple KR case today too to take my Tau suits ready for the weekend.

Anyone in Nottingham on Saturday btw please feel free to pop up to Warhammer World for a chat. Its their birthday weekend and I have a couple of tables booked but only 3/4 of us going.

So what with flayed ones now being awesome I went and grabbed these from eBay

Gonna be a nightmare to go together since that's the only assembled one so no chance of getting them ready for tomorrow but my list is already in anyways. So glad these guys are decent now since their appearance in damnos really made me want to use them. Infact that's where most of necron inspiration is from.

Finally done! 1250 pts for tomorrow. This week has seen me bash out the Lord, 2 Wraiths, Doom Scythe and a couple Wraiths whilst doing the odd finish here and there. Still need to do more but they are playable for tomorrow.
Since giving up on Tau in november and starting the first of my blood angels/fleshtearers in december I've finally finished everything I have built!













Now to start work on the unbuilt pile, 3 more librarians, Tycho, Dante, Gabriel Seth, 2 Furioso Dreads, Another Sniper scout squad.

And then possibly start on my pile of nids, although they may just get sold :s

I've been painting again, this is the first of two (second going up some time next week) tutorials, an Uruk Hai Berserker and a Galadhrim knight.

Let me know what you think!
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So went 2-1 in the tournament with the following

Overlord, Veil, Warscythe, Gauntlet of Fire

5 Immortals, Gauss, Night Scythe

16 Warriors, Ghost Ark

16 Warriors

5 Wraiths, Whipcoils

Doom Scythe

Game 1 was against a Guard gunline (cant remember his list a blob squad, lascannon team, heavy bolter team, autocannon team, vet squad, scions, yarrick, psyker..I think) and was my first game in about 5 months and first game with a non marine army. Ended up getting slaughtered. Just too much cover so all my shooting was rubbish and the dice just abaonded me. Was an eternal war mission and he ended up sitting on 3 objectives for the win. Wraiths took a ton of firepower to put down though.

Game 2 was against marines (captain, 2 tac squads, 2 scouts squads and a las pred) and went much better. Maelstrom this time which I personally prefer. Was the one with the vanguard deployment and 3 objectives (name escapes me). Turn 1 was fairely uneventful he podded his captain and tactical squad infront of my wraiths who did no damage to them. Next turn my doom Scythe came on and took out his predator I veiled my lord and his warriors over to the other side of the table which was what changed the game for me. Wraiths tied up his captain for the entire game I picked apart his units with combined fire and got some great cards. One of the best being the Necron specific hold all the odd/even objectives. I rolled even and already had easy access to 2 and 4 and then I managed to also claim 3 after shooting his scouts off the table which handily stacked with the generic hold any 3 objectives card for 2D3 objectives. Ended up winning 18-1

Game 3 was against Tempestus (he had a command squad, 4 units in taurox's and Valkyrie) and was nothing short of a massacre. Tactical Escalation mission this time. Put my wraiths up 1 side and 1 of the warriors with the ghost ark up the other. Held my Lords swuad back to claim my only card which was objective 5 which was in my deployment zone. He spent all his turn shooting at the wraiths which did nothing. Next turn both flyers game in and just started removing units. Night scythe dropped off the immortals and took out one taurox while the immortals wrecked another. Ghost ark took one down. Doom scythe was overkill here but thats not always a bad thing. Lords squad veiled up and shot at a unit while the other warriors moved up slightly anf got a few pot shots off. Wraiths charged a squad and took them out. I cant quite remember what objectives I claimed in that turn. Last couple turns were more of the same there was nothing he could do as he was spending so much firepower taking down the wraiths and he just couldnt. I multi assaulted his command squad and another squad taking out his command squad. I tabled him in turn 4 and scored a huge amount of objectives that turn. I had Thrall of the silent king along with slaughter the living, I had assassinate, psychological warfare and behind enemy lines giving me a total of 9 points from those cards. Finished him off in his turn and won 20-0

So after a shakey start (but hey have to lose your first game with a brand new army) they performed very well. Three fun games so now just need to get some more models painted up for some bigger games at the usual gaming night.

EDIT: Updated with some actual details
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Yeah I'm more or less going I just need to price travel and accommodation and see how much that all works out at before I make the final decision.
EDIT: deleted original post as I decided against that idea. How about a somewhat joker looking necron idea?

I'm unsure and I think I'll probably just go back to the plain silver with a black wash
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Anyone local to Nottingham and fancy coming down to Warhammer World for some 40k on 28th of March? Myself and some friends are going for some fun games and a day out. We have 4 tables booked and have room for a few more people to play. We are mainly looking at 1850 lists for a mini tournament style game. 1 list all day all comers etc.
I'm working that weekend or I'd happily come along!

I quite like that necron. Certainly different to what you normally see. Have you tried one with a dark blue wash?
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