I'm not sure where they fit right now. Cron air doesn't seem as bad as it once was but I fully expect the night sythe to go up in points. Honestly most of the time I see people speaking about necrons locally is just about the ridiculous transcendent c'tan. At least it looks like that's been fixed. Although making the c'tan as random as they have probably makes it far worse. Hopefully monoliths get a buff as it has some nice abilities but just isn't quite right yet I think.
Most books in 7 so far seem to be reasonably balanced from what I've heard after initial moaning about things. Blood Angels in particular seems like a good book from what I've read of it. I'm just sick of looking at and incredibly sick of painting power armour.
Most books in 7 so far seem to be reasonably balanced from what I've heard after initial moaning about things. Blood Angels in particular seems like a good book from what I've read of it. I'm just sick of looking at and incredibly sick of painting power armour.