Tabletop Warhammer?

I'm not sure where they fit right now. Cron air doesn't seem as bad as it once was but I fully expect the night sythe to go up in points. Honestly most of the time I see people speaking about necrons locally is just about the ridiculous transcendent c'tan. At least it looks like that's been fixed. Although making the c'tan as random as they have probably makes it far worse. Hopefully monoliths get a buff as it has some nice abilities but just isn't quite right yet I think.

Most books in 7 so far seem to be reasonably balanced from what I've heard after initial moaning about things. Blood Angels in particular seems like a good book from what I've read of it. I'm just sick of looking at and incredibly sick of painting power armour.
dat necromunda table!


Hoping to get a couple of games in this weekend! Would love to see a re release from GW for it :)

If anyone is interested in starting a table or looking for some cheap but good scenery. I spent a few quid testing the water on some laser cut mdf stuff. To say im impressed is an understatement. Just spent another 90 quid to finish off a full city.




Think I'll be grabbing the new necron codex as well, like the look of a few bits and got some detachments I'd like to use from exterminatus alongside my blood angels.
1. Reanimation protocol changed like Fantasy's ward save. Can be used at Instant Death.
2. Resurrection orb now gives reroll of current phase's protocol. One use only.
3. Lychguard and Praetorian guard's point value almost halved.
4. Invul save of lychguard now same as storm shield. But no reflection.
5. Praetorian's magic stick's range increased to 12"
6. Triarch stalker now have ability which increasing nearby unit's BS.
7. At start of Each turn, Nemesor Zandrek pick one of the Warlord trait of Codex or rulebook and use it until next turn.
8. He still applies nearby enemy unit's special rule to himself.
9. All the fliers nerfed. Point increase and Weapon's power decrease.
10. Cryptek is now HQ slot.
11. Mss got serious nerf.

Some interesting rumours on Warseer. Re animation Protocols changing makes sense and seems in with the more streamlined approach. Lychguard and praetorians getting a boost makes me happy. 12" s6 ap2 assault 1 guns on jump back troops? If that's the case I'll be getting them in fact it's really down to their rules if I pick up the tomb awakened box as everything else seems decent.
That's looking really smart man.
Picked up the necron codex today along with the plastic overlord, the tomb awakened set and a couple more things. Its the first seventh edition codex I've had a look through and I'm really impressed by the quality. The art is brilliant but I'm not sure on the layout with the dataslates instead of the old style. Worked out a 1250 list for the upcoming highlander tournament just got to decide if I want tesla or gauss on my immortals before I build them.
I really like that tank :) (sorry I can never remember the names of imperial tanks!).

I'm just about at the point where I'm going to start basing up about 100 nids prior to undercoating, I'm thinking of using the Basius "Sulaco Aftermath" pad to make the greenstuff toppers (I've ordered some small round cutters to hopefully met me punch them out).

I can't remember if I've mentioned it in here, but really useful 4litre boxes are great for holding smaller miniatures such as the gaunts/gants/genestealers whilst working on them :)
Been busy for the last month with the new Blood Angels Army and making my own gaming board.






Photo quality is shocking sorry, taken with a potato!
Liking those marines. I really should take some pics of my speed painted necrons at some point. Speaking of which just read a discussion elsewhere that points out that the praetorians rod of covenant can't be used in both shooting and melee and guess who just assembled some? Knowing that I'd have been tempted to possibly make the! Lychguard instead. Will need to play test the void blade and particle casters which to me seems like the weaker option. Glad I haven't got as far as gluing the arms in.
Hoping to grab a few necron bits soonish, got an airbrushing day course coming up soon and going to take them along.

Finished off assault termies this weekend, and played the first game on the new WIP gaming board.



So much clutter on the board, need to get some shelves set up to put codex/ipad/juice on :) 2500 point Blood Angles vs Chaos Marines. CSM won 6-4 with objectives claimed on turned 5
That looks really good :)

I'm trying to get back into painting as I need to do a Nid army (1250 points) by the end of July and I'm a slow painter.
I'm about 6 weeks in and two weeks behind at the moment, mainly because I've had a bug and been spending most of my time either zonked out or before that trying to fix brothers PC (which took ages - the GFX turns out to be failing intermittently, which meant dozens of hours of testing in various ways).

Parmesan, Necrons + Airbrush = you can probably do most of the base coating for dozens if not hundreds of them in a relatively easy afternoon, especially now that Vallejo have started releasing Game Air (they even do a metallic undercoat!).

I'm planning on doing my Nids with the Airbrush for base colours and fully expect to be able to do 20-30 Termagants in an easy evening for their primary colour given how fast I've done other stuff (which is just as well, given I've got about 30 each of Termagants, Hormaguants, and 50ish Genestealers, plus anything up to 9 warriors and a trio of carnifexes).
For necrons I'm doing. Army painter plate metal spray, nuln oil wash, dry brush necron compound, pick out green eyes. Paint gun separately then glue together and base. Quick and easy. Looks effective especially when I need to get 60 done along with the rest of the army.
Parmesan, Necrons + Airbrush = you can probably do most of the base coating for dozens if not hundreds of them in a relatively easy afternoon, especially now that Vallejo have started releasing Game Air (they even do a metallic undercoat!).

I'm planning on doing my Nids with the Airbrush for base colours and fully expect to be able to do 20-30 Termagants in an easy evening for their primary colour given how fast I've done other stuff (which is just as well, given I've got about 30 each of Termagants, Hormaguants, and 50ish Genestealers, plus anything up to 9 warriors and a trio of carnifexes).

That's why I fancied taking necrons along for the day. I've got a couple of warriors I've painted up in various schemes and they all look pretty easy to do with the airbrush. My main goal is to reach 5k points for both Blood Angels and Necrons by the end of this year, couple friends a doing large nid army's and would like to have a large apoc battle.

Got two more tac squads on route and mephiston for the blood Angels, so that should keep me busy for the next month painting, then is a squad of each termies, then begin hoarding vehicles..
Spent the last couple nights putting all this together.

Burn out is absolutely setting in. However if I can stick to my schedule I should have 2000-2500pts painted by the end of this month/early next month.
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