Tabletop Warhammer?

I'm looking at expanding my space marines a little and was looking on some tips as to what to go for. So far I have mostly been getting things I like the look of and building a core of infantry. I was looking for suggestions on what to add to flesh it out a little. I was thinking probably a couple of rhinos for the tacticals and a librarian certainly. I'm not fussed by an uber competitive list but nor do I want to get tabled by all comers...

Asteron Moloc and Enkomi
5 Terminators
5 Assualt Terminators
5 Sternguard
5 Vanguard
5 Assualt marines with jump
2 x tactical squads
2x Devestator squads
I'm looking at expanding my space marines a little and was looking on some tips as to what to go for. So far I have mostly been getting things I like the look of and building a core of infantry. I was looking for suggestions on what to add to flesh it out a little. I was thinking probably a couple of rhinos for the tacticals and a librarian certainly. I'm not fussed by an uber competitive list but nor do I want to get tabled by all comers...

Asteron Moloc and Enkomi
5 Terminators
5 Assualt Terminators
5 Sternguard
5 Vanguard
5 Assualt marines with jump
2 x tactical squads
2x Devestator squads

For that id be getting a land raider (Spartan if funds allow) for Asteron and the termies and some sort of flyer again if money allows the fire raptor. Although apparently both those FW kits are nightmare to put together

I've tried a few things out and let's see what you think. Used immortals here as I happened to have 5 primed I'm not using and I still have 10 left to probably turn into deathmarks or something but anyways here goes

Blue Glaze over the purple

And a little of both

Yeah its an interesting effect. I like the idea of something different from the standard silver with black wash. It's overused and must be boring to paint after a while. I like the idea of a coloured metal, probably not the whole model but as an accent colour. Perhaps use the purple as a contrast to a bronze/aged gold. Might look good.
So after a request on Dakka I drybrushed silver over the solid colours. A bit too heavy though but it's an interesting idea

In regards to it getting boring...not so much really as I'm just spraying the silver on this is more just an experiment to see if I prefer this to the standard colour. Also my Overlord has gold on him as do my praetorians and my lychguard will if I get any so I don't really want to overuse that.
Wrathmonger champion for my khorne chaos army


about to start building my wrath of khorne bloodthirster
Those are sweet paint jobs. Since I'm nearing the end of 2500pts of necrons (not bad in 2 months I feel) I'm looking to my Ogres as my reward. Getting them ready for a 3k tourney this week (painting isn't required for this one thankfully) and putting together my stonehorn and I absolutely love how big it is. I don't care it'll die first every game it's just a beautiful model

I used to think mournfang were big...
Does anyone really know what shappening with the fantasy side of things? I've just hit 4500k of flesh tearers, pretty much all painted and git a couple of tournament lists sorted. Im keen to start a dwarf army, but dont want to go oit and buy the current army book and rule book if things are getting changed soon...

I know i should take all the rumours that get posted around with a pinch of salt, but its quite a bit of money to drop and lose...
Well end times has totally changed the fluff. Haven't got totally up to date with it all yer but from what I know 9th edition fluff will be very different. No idea on how the game will play obviously but the only rumours I've heard on armies dissapearing are Ogres and Lizardmen. Although Ogres now seem to be lumped in with the orcs.

So I guess if you have friends already playing fantasy then I'd say it's worth it. Just a small 1000pt force if you can get some triumph and treachery going is absolutely worth it. Although i wouldn't maybe slash down serious cash on a 2-3000pt army right now especially if your not going to be using it soon. I already had the models sitting waiting and will get in 3 games with them this week and I'm going to make a point of arranging as much fantasy games as I can (since 40k games are so easy to pick up) so as much as 9th could/will change everything I may aswell use the models and enjoy 8th now.
I priced up a small 1000 point army so may just grab it, I've watched a couple of videos of triumph and treachery recently on youtube, looks like a very enjoyable game.

There are quite a few people in the local store that play fantasy, and the next tournament is a fantasy based one, so may just go for it and hope for the best that not all the units become useless :)
Triumph and treachery is great if you want a laugh. Obviously useless competitively but with the right minded people its brilliant. It's genuinely the best fun ive had with a games workshop game. I'm going to see if I can find some people at the tournament this week up for a game at the stores lock in in a couple weeks.

As it stands now I prefer the fantasy rules although I've yet to deal with any of the crazy end times characters (nagash, Karl Franz ascendant, malekeith etc) and they are allowed at the tourney this week so I'll see how that goes. Mind you since I haven't played since the 1000pt t&t in December and these are full on 3000pt games I'm not expecting to do that we'll anyway.
So tournament didn't go well. In fairness I didn't expect it to but the great thing is I learned a lot. However my Ironblaster won best painted pretty sure I've posted it here before but here it is anyway

I'm much happier to win that if I'm honest. The upcoming fantasy campaign is more my thing anyway rather than a tournament.
I've just finished painting my first model, and was wondering what you guys use to laquer them, is spraying them best or brushing it on?,there miniatures from my imperial assault game, so will be handled quite a lot.
So need something that will protect them well, I'm thinking a matt finish would be best unless you guys think otherwise.
I'm hoping to get some locally if possible, and at a reasonable price.
Thankyou for the advice.
My brother tends to use a Gloss varnish, then a matt varnish although I'm not sure of the manufacturer (probably Vallejo), I think sprayed on with an airbrush or painted with a hand brush.
IIRC the gloss holds better and the matt gets rid of the glossy finish.
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