Tabletop Warhammer?

Just about finished my captain today, just need to do some shades over the large areas, try to get a slightly more purple hint, to keep in the flesh tearer theme.


Had to hide in spoiler tags as imgur wont resize on my phone for some reason!
That's looking good :)

One minor tip that I picked up at a Games day talking to one of the GW painters (something I'd never thought of, despite painting for years), when you do plasma guns if you want to make it look more "real" you can (from memory) do the highlight/paint process in reverse so that the "inner" parts of the fins are lighter so it looks like they're the hottest parts.
I'm probably explaining it really badly, but it gives a slightly different look to the normal "upper/outer edges brighter" method, but both ways work so it's largely down to personal preference.

I'm not sure how I'll do it when I start marines (I've never painted a single marine!).
Congrats on the win. I'm currently reading Talon of Horus which I'm not sure was a good idea as I'm now tempted to ditch the above gold and purple idea and do black legion....
New skaven army I am working on for the store. Hope to have him finished before the weekend so I can start on thanquol


and the new gaming board & scenery work in progress

I've not had a game of WHFB or 40K in over a year now.

My armies are pretty solid.

27,000 points of eldar. That's not a typo I have over 200 harlequin models and 15 falcons. It's a big, comprehensive army. I have multiples of every unit. And a smattering of super heavies. Cobra Mk2, Scorpion Mk2, Warp hunter, Vampire hunter, Revenant titan, Avatar. I like my eldar.

4,000 points of skaven. There are 600 slaves it's a nice army designed to shoot into combat with the slaves. Not even sure if the tactic is valid anymore but it was fun to tie up a deathstar with 100 slaves then warpfire thrower your own unit. Hit about 40 models, Split the wounds due to a slave rule and wipe out the deathstar while causing yourself 20 models and 40 points of damage.

8,000 points of dark eldar, Including a Tantalus. Pretty standard army. 12+ raiders, 6+ venoms. And all the fliers x3. And full units to match.

8,000 points of Blood Angels.

3,000 points of Lamenters.

2,000 points of Legion of the Damned. Most of this army is old metal marines with the metal GW shoulder pads they discontinued a while back.

And 2,000 points of Wood Elves.

I was GW staff for a while, Hence the huge armies.

Realm of battle board, 2 of the big city fight boxes of plastic terrain they were £100 about 10 years ago when city fight was first released. And enough FW terrain to do a table all in FW, Including those discontinued bunkers, Fuel depots, and the modular walls.
New skaven army I am working on for the store. Hope to have him finished before the weekend so I can start on thanquol

That is looking really nice, and I like the layout on the gaming board.

I'm hoping I'll be able to post pictures of our groups gaming table soonish, we're nearly at the point where we can declare it ready for varnishing :)

I can't remember if I posted this before, but our scenery cupboard in the garage so far (scenery needs painting, and the cupboard is going to get a trio of sliding doors).

The shelves came about because my brother bought a second Realm of battle board, and we needed somewhere to store them flat.
Bookshelf supports turned out to be ideal for them, as the supports don't take up any real space and allow for the different heights of the tiles.
I need to sort out something for storage, the store is only tiny so limited atm with how much I can have.

Am also working on my ravenwing again atm, have an apocalypse game at end of feb, so just getting some units to complete formations done
so painted my first leman russ would like some thoughts on the painting :), also i would like to paint rust and make it look more used :p not sure how to approach that though

the stripes christ they were hard work!


That looks good! Camo is nicely painted. If there was one thing I'd change it's to make it look more weathered (mud on treads, paint chips etc) but that is a matter of taste.
Looking good, I have heard some good things about forgeworld's weathering powders may be worth a look. There are probably cheaper alternatives.
Couple of the texture and technical paints you pick up in GW are pretty good, the typhus corrosion can be handy for doing dirt and such on the treads, I quite often use it around the bottom of buildings and vehicles it can be a bit strong in colour so go lightly. Also some of the shade paints like agrax earthshade and the athonian camo shade (might be the right name) are good just to dull and lightly colour areas.

And the stuff from forgeworld the weathering powders are great, I've not used them my self but several people I know have and have got some great effects!

Finally gave up waiting for the 32mm bases to come in stock online so grabbed a ton of moulded scenic bases, they give the models a little something extra rather than just plain bases.
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This is a fair bit of our homemade terrain, some was designed for necromunda but spread out makes a decent 40k city fight type board!




I'll need to have a good hard look at this thread soon. While I don't play I've just bought a few brushes and will order paint to give painting miniatures a go.

I've got plenty of games that would benefit from a lick of paint. I hope to start off by following some Youtube videos to paint Star Wars: Imperial Assault. I'm sure inspiration/tips will be found somewhere within this massive thread.
Anyone pre ordering codex necrons tomorrow? I've decided to sell up my chaos army aswell and try necrons. The models have always appealed and now seems as good a time as any. I don't particularly care if they aren't super powerful (things like the transcendent c'tan need to be hit with the nerf bat anyway) but the fact the flyers remind me of cylon Raiders and the monoliths make me think of stargate (and the scarabs really) means it's about time I tried them out. Only leaves me a month to paint 1500pts but I'll manage.
Anyone pre ordering codex necrons tomorrow? I've decided to sell up my chaos army aswell and try necrons. The models have always appealed and now seems as good a time as any. I don't particularly care if they aren't super powerful (things like the transcendent c'tan need to be hit with the nerf bat anyway) but the fact the flyers remind me of cylon Raiders and the monoliths make me think of stargate (and the scarabs really) means it's about time I tried them out. Only leaves me a month to paint 1500pts but I'll manage.

How do Necrons fare now? They used to be so OP. Really fun army to play though imo, lots of options and some really nice models.
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