I've not had a game of WHFB or 40K in over a year now.
My armies are pretty solid.
27,000 points of eldar. That's not a typo I have over 200 harlequin models and 15 falcons. It's a big, comprehensive army. I have multiples of every unit. And a smattering of super heavies. Cobra Mk2, Scorpion Mk2, Warp hunter, Vampire hunter, Revenant titan, Avatar. I like my eldar.
4,000 points of skaven. There are 600 slaves it's a nice army designed to shoot into combat with the slaves. Not even sure if the tactic is valid anymore but it was fun to tie up a deathstar with 100 slaves then warpfire thrower your own unit. Hit about 40 models, Split the wounds due to a slave rule and wipe out the deathstar while causing yourself 20 models and 40 points of damage.
8,000 points of dark eldar, Including a Tantalus. Pretty standard army. 12+ raiders, 6+ venoms. And all the fliers x3. And full units to match.
8,000 points of Blood Angels.
3,000 points of Lamenters.
2,000 points of Legion of the Damned. Most of this army is old metal marines with the metal GW shoulder pads they discontinued a while back.
And 2,000 points of Wood Elves.
I was GW staff for a while, Hence the huge armies.
Realm of battle board, 2 of the big city fight boxes of plastic terrain they were £100 about 10 years ago when city fight was first released. And enough FW terrain to do a table all in FW, Including those discontinued bunkers, Fuel depots, and the modular walls.