Tabletop Warhammer?

True but not as fun as the old codex, now its just glancing hits on 6's

The old codex was more bookkeeping and in the end not as effective I feel. Also anything that reduces Armour value has no effect in superheavies so wouldn't have done a thing to it

Very nice, just started crons myself, only got 1000 pts painted up at the moment, but need to build more first lol


These were a bit of a rush job but it gives me a 40k army when I need it. Although the way things are looking this year will be focused on fantasy
Well my local GW store is starting the fantasy campaign tomorrow night at 1000pts since they have given up waiting on 9th and want to get started. It's also the lock in so a few of us are kicking it off with beers,triumph and treachery and pizza
quick battle report from my game on Wednesday.

1250pts, Chaos (me) v Black Templars

Chaos lord on bike, Axe of blind fury
8 bikers, 2 meltas, power weapon on champion
20 cultists
10 chaos marines (Heavy Bolter, power first on captain)
3 x Obliterators

Black Templars
2 land raiders
6 terminators (including captain with glowing stick of fire thing)
10 marines
5 scouts
5 man combat squad

Turn 1
My cultists immediately ran for the objective in cover, and sat there the whole game shooting at anyone that came close.
My squad of marines did a run for another objective slightly more in the open. The bikes darted for the combat squad and the maulerfiend hid.

Opponents land raiders slowly advanced shooting at my squads, removing 1 bike, 2 cultists and 1 chaos space marine.

Turn 2
second turn my bikes continue advancing for the combat squad removing one with their snapshots (jinked previous turn) and got within charge range, the cultists had a tea party, the marines sat on the objective like a hen. My helldrake remained in reserves due to lack of targets, obliterators come crashing down and secure an objective. Bikes charge the combat squad, chaos lord issues his challenge, my opponent has to accept (some black templar rule) and my chaos lord successfully kills him and through overkill 3 others. My maulerfiend runs out of cover heading for the land raider crusader.

Land raider crusader splits its fire between the maulerfiend and obliterators, removing 1 hull point on the maulerfiend and doing nothing to the obliterators. He removed another 4 chaos space marines with his other land raider.

Turn 3
The maulerfiend continues advancing towards the land raider crusader, charges it, latches on with magma cutters and pops it, killing 5 of the squad sat inside, everyone else gets out and has a game of hug the maulerfiend. The bikes attempt to shoot at the other land raider with melta guns but do nothing.

The BT terminator squad deep strikes in behind my Obliterators, killing one of them, his land raider continues shooting at my CSM squad removing a few more. His marine squad continue surrounding the maulerfiend who takes no damage but removes 2 of the marines through the application of power first to face.

Turn 4
My obliterators fire at the terminators causing no casulties, helldrake comes on and strafes the termies removing one of them. My bikes turn and join the maulerfiend combat. Unfortunatly there is nobody to challenge my lord so he happily turns a few of the squad to mush. Cultists tea part has turned into a dinner party, the amasec flows freely they are enjoying this war thing.

Terminators shot at the obliterators, removing 1 hull point, they then charge in removing them from the table but not before my obliterators cause some pain and remove one of theirs. Remaining land raider continues to wittle down my marine squad.

Turn 5
Maulerfiend and bikes in combat with tactical squad. few more tactical squad die, terminators charge in, has to issue a challenge to my lord, lord has to accept. Axe of blind fury removes his champion, his firey stick thing unfortunately removes my lord, but overkill from my attacks successfully removes another few marines. Maulerfiend's attacks are unsuccessful.

Terminators go to work on the maulerfiend, killing it. tactical squad (about 3 remaining at this point) attack my bikes causing no losses, my bikes kill one in return.

Turn 6
My bikes finish of the tactical squad
Cultists pass out drunk.
CSM squad remains defiant to the last man.

Terminators wipe out my bikes.

We used the tactical objective cards, in the end it was 7 - 9 to the BT. Itwas a fun game lots of carnage and my chaos lord just ran around causing havoc. My helldrake didn't have a lot to do due to a lot of his squad beind in land raiders then in combat once they where forced out so he was wasted points really only managing to remove 1 terminator. The maulerfiend worked well, much better than a forgefiend has worked for me in the past. My troops where literally just sitting on objectives because somebody decided to bring two sodding land raiders to a party and I had very little that could remove them.
I was reading rumours about Fantasy 9th Edition being a Skirmish game

That would suck tremendously

I imagine it'll be both. There will be rules for a skirmish level game and rules for full scale battles. I like the idea of both levels personally. Sure it won't be as good as mordheim but even the regiments of renown rules that mini wargaming have recently been showing off aren't bad. Them refined would be a good starter whilst also having full scale battle rules.
I would quite like a fantasy 9th that had skirmish rules as well as full on rules.

Not everyone has time to play larger battles all the time, and skimish type games can be a good place to learn how to use units and the basic rules fairly quickly, and without having to have a full army to hand.

I love Vallejo model air...
I just did 20 gants (undercoated with "german red brown" model air), in about 30 minutes which is faster than I would have managed with a spray can given the nooks and crannies. And it only took about 5ml of the undercoat at a guess, which is far less than I'd have used from a spray can :)

Also, a small magnet in base of model, washer or coin on a suitable sized cork or empty paint bottle, and you've got something will let you hold the model whilst spraying it without your hands getting in the way (or touching the paint), but also let you swap the model quickly and easily once it's dried a bit :) (you may need a couple of dozen corks if you're doing a lot of models).
Fantasy skirmish would be great, there's lots of models I like and lots of armies I'd play but playing it as a regiments game simply requires too many models and too much money. It's fine for other wargames (ie historical) because you can get hundreds of miniature for the price of a gw regiment but I can no longer afford £3-400 for a 'decent' army.

I'd welcome being able to play on the theme of fantasy for the price of 3 or 4 plastic unit boxes.
So after a slightly drunken game of triumph and treachery I turned up the next morning for the speed painting contest and managed a win. The model is still in the store but I revered to get a quick picture. For an hours work I'm OK with it

I've finally started making some real progress on my nids (I've got about 2-3 months to get an army painted).
I had hoped to do a load last week, but ended up with a stinking cold, which put me out of action, especially as I can't really wear a face mask when sneezing.

I'm using the airbrush to do the undercoat (german red brown, in the vallejo model air undercoat range), and then the first base coat (mephiston red thinned about 3:1 with vallejo model air thinner).That's at 10psi with an Iwata Eclipse CS with a 0.5ml needle.

Some of my Stage 3 nids, and a few stage 1's to give an idea of what I'm doing (stage 1 = undercoat, stage 3 = second base colour).

There are about 100+ models in total, so doing it this way seems to take about a minute or two per termagant/hormagaunt, and about 3-4 minutes per Genestealer for a full coat, which is a lot faster than I can do by hand, and far cheaper on the undercoat than spray cans*.

The stealers are a pain because to get all the nooks and crannies you end up doing them from all sorts of angles chasing along the arms, but still easier than doing it with a spray can and brush!

I need to try and get out again either today or Thursday to do the next lot with mephiston, I've got about 70 more models to do (in addition to the 40 stealers and 9 warriors/primes that I've done).

*And easier on the surrounding garage, even with a graphic air a300d extractor the spray cans leave a fine dust around the booth.
Maaaan, I need to get my painting gear out of the boxes it's been in since I moved house... My part complete Tyranids deserve to be fully painted, even if I just sell them/put them on a shelf and never play a game again.
Maaaan, I need to get my painting gear out of the boxes it's been in since I moved house... My part complete Tyranids deserve to be fully painted, even if I just sell them/put them on a shelf and never play a game again.

Assemble them all, get some of the bigger ones magnatized and just give them all a basic table top paint job (but done nice and clean) and flog em! You'd get a decent price for them as every tyranid player needs more tyranid.

Speaking of expensive miniatures, does any one know of one of thos Chinese resellers? There use to be quite a few of them 2 years back and the quality of the models was that of Forge world or better, just at 20% of the price.
Having just read The Soul Drinkers book - Hell Forged I really want to get some Necrons just not sure If I will have the time or patience to paint them :(
So there are rumors that the next 40K Campaign Set will be Raven Guard vs Tau. I tend not to read the rumors too much and wait for stuff, but I'm thinking of starting my next new army soon and top of my list is Tau, so hoping these rumors are true!

@Werewolf - Looking forward to seeing your nids as you progress, have you got a full list of the models for the project?

@Woogie - Go on, you know you want to :p:D;) What armies do you already have?
I have bits of a few armies. Nothing really painted particulary well as I a crap and impatient.

I have some Orks, Some Space marines, Some Chaos Space Marines, A few nids and now looking at Necrons.

I had quite a large Skaven + Orcs & Goblins armies but my mother threw them away when I moved out as she didnt think I would want them anymore :(
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