Tabletop Warhammer?

With all the talk of Airbrushes, can I ask what someone would recommend for around the £200 mark?

I was thinking a AS186 Compressor and then spending the rest on a decent brush, as I very rarely have time to paint continually for longer than 10-15 mins, so thought the cheapish compressor should be fine? Then something like a Badger Krome or whatever anyone recommends?

A cheap BD 180 airbrush is something to try. I've got expensive Iwata airbrushes, and I bought a BD180 to see what they were like, I never used the Iwata airbrushes again afterwards.
It looks like Amazon are doing a deal tomorrow at about 9am for a very cheap airbrush and compressor set, 3x gravity feed brushes and what I suspect is a glorified fishtank pump (diaphragm rather than piston) . The normal price is £37.

I thought I'd post, but given the pricing I'm expecting it to be pretty poor (depending on price I may buy it as an air duster set for when I'm cleaning the computers out).
not collected for many years now but iv'e recently been thinking of building up an old skool army of tanith ghosts or steel legion still undecided but i did enjoy painting and gaming with my old tanith army
Having never played warhammer before, i've somehow been convinced to take the first step and buy models. I usually jump in with both feet and spend a stupid amount of money on a new hobby. So i'm using all my might not to but airbrushes and other bits. My dad used to be pretty good at making models, but he hasn't done anything like that in over 10 years. So hopefully he's still got bits and bobs to get me going, will take a note when i'm round on monday. Just to see if i'll enjoy painting, i've gone for chaos marine raptors/warp talons. Will arrive tuesday i think.
So the latest Golden Demon had 45 paying visitors and 20 entries...they even had a Slayer Sword. Way to devalue what was once a great achievement :/

The Young Blood competition had one entry :D
So the latest Golden Demon had 45 paying visitors and 20 entries...they even had a Slayer Sword. Way to devalue what was once a great achievement :/

The Young Blood competition had one entry :D

This doesn't really surprise me. I think GW's days are numbered if they don't do something positive soon, especially with so many other accessible games out there now. I'm also rather sad about the death of WFB as it's going to make my plan of grabbing some miniatures much more awkward, but hey ho.

Also, hi guys! :)
Didn't they recently divide golden demon into lots of smaller events, instead of the much larger competition it has been previously. The 'Eavier Metal facebook group started their own old school style painting competition when GW announced the new format.
Having never played warhammer before, i've somehow been convinced to take the first step and buy models. I usually jump in with both feet and spend a stupid amount of money on a new hobby. So i'm using all my might not to but airbrushes and other bits. My dad used to be pretty good at making models, but he hasn't done anything like that in over 10 years. So hopefully he's still got bits and bobs to get me going, will take a note when i'm round on monday. Just to see if i'll enjoy painting, i've gone for chaos marine raptors/warp talons. Will arrive tuesday i think.

I'd recommend getting a couple of decent brushes over an airbrush, at least initially. I started only a few months ago with the Gamesworkshop brushes and a couple of army painter ones and it was all going OKAY. Someone recommended that I get some Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes, a size 00 and a size 2 and MY GOD has painting gotten easier. It's like painting with a fountain pen.

The only use my old brushes get now is mixing, basing and dry brushing. I use the number 2 for almost everything as it holds a brilliant point. If you do decide to get some, don't get the miniature series, get the original series 7 as the brush part is longer which makes it less likely of you getting paint in the top bit.
Good tips! Cheers. I'll be fine for brushes as I went round to my parents yesterday and found my raptors had already been delivered!(under 24 hours!) So I got them all made up. But dad had all the tools, glue and brushes still. He says his compressor will still work but the gun itself will need replaced, as the paint would have dried inside. His paints are all ruined though. All old Tamyia ones and enamel ones. But he's got plenty thinners.

Speaking of paint, literally no idea on schemes or anything, I've got pics on the pc. I know I'll need grey or black primer. Will get pics up tonight and hopefully you boys can give me an idea of what paints to get.
Good tips! Cheers. I'll be fine for brushes as I went round to my parents yesterday and found my raptors had already been delivered!(under 24 hours!) So I got them all made up. But dad had all the tools, glue and brushes still. He says his compressor will still work but the gun itself will need replaced, as the paint would have dried inside. His paints are all ruined though. All old Tamyia ones and enamel ones. But he's got plenty thinners.

Speaking of paint, literally no idea on schemes or anything, I've got pics on the pc. I know I'll need grey or black primer. Will get pics up tonight and hopefully you boys can give me an idea of what paints to get.

As for paints, will see what you have scheme wise first, but there is a new brand of paints that has some very good reviews as well as cheap prices, £1 a pot.

I plan on grabbing some, trailing them and if they are as good as they say they are making the switch from GW paints to these.

Chaos is your army then I take it, with the warp talons. It not the usual red and gold for chaos?
Sham, is there any reason (in your opinion) as to why Golden Demon was so unpopular?

I've spoken to a few top painters and the consensus seems to be:

They announced it with 2 months to go and didn't even announce the categories. For showcase painters this is not nearly enough time to plan and put together a competition winning entry. Couple that with having to arrange travel plans from other countries in a short space of time for a cut down event and I can see why most gave it a miss. GD used to be pretty much the pinnacle of painting awards but GW have slowly killed it off and others like Crystal Brush have stepped into the void. Now GW seem to want to do small Demons throughout the year at short notice which is really only going to be viable for local painters...yet they're then giving them the same award the thousands fought to get in the past against top painters around the world, it is sad to see :(

Stil, luckily the community has other options, check out the winners from the latest Massive Voodoo contest for example, some amazing pieces and Hope River was a deserved winner!

That looks brilliant! Especially the face mask on the left.
As for paints, will see what you have scheme wise first, but there is a new brand of paints that has some very good reviews as well as cheap prices, £1 a pot.

I plan on grabbing some, trailing them and if they are as good as they say they are making the switch from GW paints to these.

Chaos is your army then I take it, with the warp talons. It not the usual red and gold for chaos?

I was thinking this colour scheme.

Or possibly black legion?

EDIT: If I was getting paint from that war paint place, and if I was going to paint in the blue and gold theme. I would(going by my painting trade) go for the marine 2 as a base coat, blue 4? As the top coat since its translucent the base coat will shine through in some parts. Then possibly marine 1 for wee outline bits and gold for the armour edging?
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Shamikebab is possibly the best painter here, or at least active, so I'd wait for him to say anything before you buy anything but I tend to paint, and the GW guy in the local shop advised, to have 3 colours for each colour you want to paint. A base, a highlight and an extra highlight. With that you can do your 3 colours or go up to 5 quite easily (mix between).

I'd go blue 4 as your base coat, mix blue 3 with blue 4, then blue 3 for highlights. Maybe Marine 2 for highlights.

As for golds, this company is releasing their golds in a months time or so .. but you could Games Workshop for them, so base in Bathasar gold, shade with Agrax Earth Shade, Highlight with Ghennas Gold then final highlight with auric armour. Could even then go for runefang steel after that.
Ah fair enough. I'll wait. How about primers? Best place to get them? And am I easier to brush, spray can or buy a cheap'o air brush for applying?
For primers we tend to find Halfords matt black is pretty good (and both far cheaper and easier to get than GW), but we tend to only use it for metal and resin these days (and realm of battle tiles because of the likely wear/dropping of dice/placing of cans etc).
We completely stopped using GW sprays as we found (repeatedly) that they were very variable in quality, especially for anything other than black (red and white undercoats/sprays that went on coarse and dusty, a friend just had the same issue when spraying a flyer with the current red).

For normal undercoating we now tend to use Vallejo primers and an airbrush because it's much cleaner, a large variety of undercoat colours available and much much cheaper.
You can also use AB undercoats in the house with relative ease, whilst spray cans have to be done outside, in a room where you don't mind everything getting dusty and if doing it indoors you have to wear a face mask.

Upsides of Spray can undercoating:
It's often more hard wearing.
It's faster to apply.
It costs a lot more in the long term.
Hard to control how much comes out (makes it very hard to get to some of the nooks and crannies).
Extremely messy/wasteful due to the level of overspray.

The AB undercoats tend to have the points reversed (with the AB I think you have to varnish the models for example).

I was at a friends house over the weekend playing some games (I may ask if I can post some of the pics taken), and there is something about playing it on a well done 8x4 table with oodles of scenery, especially when you start adding titans and the like.

And because it's traditional, there were of course some classic GW "slave girl" models (I think from original Rogue Trader) on the table, in this case they were in the "life boat"* we used in one of last years games, with some wildlife.
Of course it got referred to as the ho boat.

*A little row boat model that was jokingly used as a life boat in a game set on a ship.
I have used halfords spray paint in the past and found it to be a very poor surface to paint onto, my paint just did not adhere to it. I switched to GW spray and have not had the problem, this was with black. I do however agree with your assessment of GW's white undercoat, stay away imo.
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