There won't be a 9th edition. Warhammer Fantasy has stopped at 8th. Now its AoS time.
I've never played 40k or Warhammer Fantasy but had my first game of AoS with the starter box today with a mate who came over and I think its great fun and there seems to be plenty of balance within the starter set.
The old armies don't seem to fit as well and the lack of any balancing factors is a bit crap indeed... HOWEVER, if you play AoS with the new miniatures as a new table top game and not as 9th Edition WHFB you'll enjoy it.
Also, the miniatures look awesome! I've only primed my army so far, but loving how it looks.
I can't help but feel that the new miniatures all look incredibly generic and that the world and story is less rich than with all of the older separate factions. The End Times story they creates is also shallow compared to all of the lore created over the years, and is to my mind a relative rush-job designed to justify and peddle the new game and models. Not impressed.
I can't help but feel that the new miniatures all look incredibly generic and that the world and story is less rich than with all of the older separate factions. The End Times story they creates is also shallow compared to all of the lore created over the years, and is to my mind a relative rush-job designed to justify and peddle the new game and models. Not impressed.
Prehaps the fact its been out for what less than a month? How many years has it taken them to build the lore and armies that were around at the end of 8th edition? How dare they not spend 10+ years writing fluff for a new game!! Grrr Shakes fist at GW!!
On a different note, some new Eldar WIP... Slowly getting there with the airbrush!
Also sorted some magnets for all the options (The CC weapons were done as well but it got to 4AM and I fell asleep) took 68 Magnets all in all :s
Anyone know of any any bronze spray paints? Painting tanks at the minute for my Minotaurs and not happy with the metallic paint application with a brush
Anyone know of any any bronze spray paints? Painting tanks at the minute for my Minotaurs and not happy with the metallic paint application with a brush
A Vincent says Halfords may do some, but if you can get a cheap airbrush and compressor you're then just paying for cleaning materials (and the odd needle), a but of electricity and about £2 for enough paint to do potentially a dozen tanks with ease*.
We're loving Vallejo Game Air and Model air for metals.
Army painter may do a bronze spray can, but as with all spray cans you tend to have a lot of wasteage when spraying models and you're paying a lot for the usable amount of paint.
*A single pot of GW paint thinned down for the airbrush did the base coat for over 100 Tyranids.
You can buy a cheap compressor with brush (or brushes) on ebay for about £60-80 or so which will get you started and let you know if you're going to like it (if you do then you can look at getting better brushes if you think you'll use them enough).
But compare that cost to say a few cans of spray paint and it will pay for itself in short order (a £2 bottle of airbrush paint goes a hell of a lot further than an £8-10 can of spray paint).
If you look long term or don't mind waiting you can sometimes pick up really good smallish compressors from the likes of dental surgeries, tattooist parlours, nail/spray tan salons and schools etc cheap from time to time on ebay (things like Bamboo 15 litre ones are overkill for airbrushing but if you've room brilliant, I regret not picking up the 25litre model I saw just before making my mind up about the airbrush - a local dental practice sold it for about £100 when one of the partners retired from memory).
The only thing I would say is get one with a tank, the cheap airbush compressors start at about £60-80 for a model with a 1.5 or 2l tank and a couple of cheap brushes.
At the other end of the price scale you start looking at about £50 for a starter Harder & Stienbeck brush (which is pretty good), going up to £200+ for better brushes.
I've ended up with about 4 good brushes now.
an Iwata Eclipse CS I bought about 7 years ago but didn't use for about 4 years because I only had a garage compressor (far too noisy).
A H&S Evolution 2 in 1 (so called because it came with two needle sets and two paint cups making it handy as it could be set up for small models, or doing the gaming table and scenery).
A H&S "Ultra" which is the starter brush.
And last year I went nuts and bought the Evo 2 in 1 Aluminium version (as it is much lighter so more comfortable for long use - even if it did cost nearly £300 on it's own!).
Rather oddly despite the fact that they're the cheaper brushes we mainly use the Ultra and Iwata for much of our model work.
Over the last 8 years my brother and I have sunk about £1500 into airbrush bits, which is really scary, but includes things like setting up a proper spray area in the garage with an extractor that works great even if you're using spray cans of undercoat (the garage always used to end up with a fine black dusting when we used halfords undercoats, with the extractor it doesn't)
As a mild frightener it works out at about:
300 for the extractor, 250 for the compressor, 800 on brushes, and a couple of hundred on paints and cleaners..
But as I say you can get started for well under £100.
Some boring pics of my airbrushing area
From left to right it's: Iwata, Ultra, cheapy bottle fed one that I use as an air duster (bottle fed are *** for wargaming models and this came free with the garage compressor), the 2 in 1, and the 2 in one alu in the black.
The spray area itself as it was a couple of years back - we've just picked up a new LED daylight lamp to go in there to replace the pair of lamps that are there (we also added a 4 foot daylight sube on adjustable hangers above it). The curtains stop overspray from the spray cans from going everywhere whilst spraying (the extractor clears it up fast), but also stops dust from the rest of the garage getting in there whilst spraying.
And one of the Realm of Battle tiles - we've put about 100 hours into the six of them, doing things like the base coats and larger areas with the airbrush, then doing the smaller detail and washes by hand. They need to be varnished now.
By contrast we fully expect the bulidings to take a couple of hours max for their main work as they don't require anything like as many steps to do.
One tip I'd give anyone spraying realm of battle tiles is to buy a cheap artists easel, they're much easier to work on when standing up rather than you hunched over, I wish I'd followed my dad's advice and got it before we started rather than towards the end.
With all the talk of Airbrushes, can I ask what someone would recommend for around the £200 mark?
I was thinking a AS186 Compressor and then spending the rest on a decent brush, as I very rarely have time to paint continually for longer than 10-15 mins, so thought the cheapish compressor should be fine? Then something like a Badger Krome or whatever anyone recommends?
Something like the As186 but get it from a supplier you can take it back to if needed (there are a lot of them out there and from what I've heard the QC on the production line isn't always great - i'm not sure if they're made on several lines and old under the same name).
The main thing is that it's got a tank as that means the compressor isn't running all the time and you get a more steady airstream (it also means if you're spraying in wet weather the moisture in the air tends to settle in the tank rather than in the airline where it can cause splattering)
For a starter brush I'd be strongly tempted to look at the H&S Ultra's with a 0.3 neelde set as they're intended as "first" brushes but IMO much better quality than most of the cheap brushes on Ebay and importantly you can get the spares easily (they share a bunch of parts with the H&S Evo etc).
I think they're about £50-60, I remember we paid about £45 or £50 for ours a couple of years back.
Having said that the cheap brushes you tend to get with the AS compressors aren't too bad for a play around.
If you were in the MK area I'd strongly suggest Little Cars as although they're not the cheapest the guy that runs it is really friendly, knows his stuff and runs a small local show 3 or 4 times a year where he's quite happy to demonstrate different brushes (he normally has about 4 or 5 set up for customers to try), he also attends most of the big model shows but they tend to be very busy so not much chance to try a brush.
A few things you'll want to get with the brush and compressor, some airbrush cleaning brushes (H&S do one that is usually about £2 and works well), some cotton buds for clearning the paint cup, a bottle of airbrush cleaner (about £7 for 200ml), a spray can of "liquid reamer" for stubborn blocks/really dried paint, and a bottle of Airbrush thinner (about £7 for a 200ml bottle, it's much better than water for thinning acrylic paints).
Shadowman those look awesome, I love the gun emplacement and the weathering on the claptrap.
I'm looking foward to seeing the Knight, one of my friends did his Knight in our pit with the air brush and it looked really good, so I'm betting yours will look good and interested to see what you do with it.
Cheers Werewolf, I'll checkout Little Cars' website, im not one for false economy and would rather pay a bit more for the service.
I have an ultrasonic cleaner which I think is decent for cleaning them? Is Airbrush Thinner any different from normal thinner? I normally use Windsor and Newtons Flow Improver with brushes, I just presumed that would be the same?
I think flow improver affects the surface tension of the paint medium so it runs better, the airbrush thinner is basically the original paint medium.
I'm not 100% sure though.
I've not really used the ultrasonic bath for cleaning the brush (I bought a fairly big one and it's barely been used), unless the brush is really gunked up. I have seen it suggested that you may not want to put the nozzle into it though due to potential side affects from the air bubbles, but I've not found anything concrete (the suggestion was the cavitation affect from the bubbles combined with the frequency and shape of the nozzle could cause wear in some cases).
These guys have supplied pretty much everything I've ever needed, I did get the compressor (AS186 - Cant go wrong for the price) off fleabay, and the gravity feed brush that came with it was surprisingly good, I use it for for doing large base coats, then move on the Neo for other work.
Currently looking at moving up to something a little more pricey though..
As a small recommendation for things to buy when starting out.
One minor thing I'd probably suggest if anyone is doing a lot of spraying is to get a half face mask with a P3 filter (about £15-20 and they tend to last a while before the filters need changing).
It's not essential with most AB acrylics, but if you're doing a lot I don't think it's worth the risk to your lungs as whilst AB paints especially the acrylics aren't anything like as nasty as spray cans, you are typically sitting near the spray for potentially an hour or more at a time.
And I wouldn't ever do work with spray cans without one now.
One minor thing I'd probably suggest if anyone is doing a lot of spraying is to get a half face mask with a P3 filter (about £15-20 and they tend to last a while before the filters need changing).
It's not essential with most AB acrylics, but if you're doing a lot I don't think it's worth the risk to your lungs as whilst AB paints especially the acrylics aren't anything like as nasty as spray cans, you are typically sitting near the spray for potentially an hour or more at a time.
And I wouldn't ever do work with spray cans without one now.
General idea of the theme for the Acheron. I am not 100% happy with the flames and these were at least 5th attempt if not 7th. I just don't Vallejo acrylics have the pop for flames and tbh they are probably too opaque. I'm looking at ordering Candy's but don't wand to venture into solvent based paint quite yet so looking for water based candy's. Had to bump the brightness a lot as my phone doesnt work well in low light at 1am.
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