Need some advice:
I play blood angels and my most common game is against allied eldar and dark eldar lists.
The last 5 games i have yet to even come close to winning.
We only play casual but i'm really not enjoying playing against him, he is even one of these players who doesn't see how incredibly op the eldar codex is...
We play 2k point games, his lists seem to be well balanced using things like, the eldar hq that reduces players i and ws by 5 within 6" with incubi in some forgeworld reaver thing.
**** loads of wave serpents full of the d str flamers and tons of jet bikes with infantry squads with the gun platform.
I've tried full on assaults with sanguinary guard, assault marines and drop pods,
Full gunline armies using devastators, land speeders and sternguard
A balance to both gunline and assault
And even a flyer heavy army list.
We play maelstrom missions and even then i cant win on victory points.
I think i could win if i could just deal with the stupid d flamers but popping them out of wave serpents is a struggle to start with as they have the shields that pretty much ignore penetrating hits and then they are t6 just to add salt to the wound!.
Any surjestions as i am on the verge of rage quitting?.