Tabletop Warhammer?

Just a heads up if you do wanna use powerspray, its on sale in Tesco atm for £1.75, reduced to clear. So not sure if its going EOL.
@Werewolf - Thanks for the info will pick some up

Just a word on the powerspray seems to remember someone telling me the newer version does not strip the paint any more a change to the formula or something.

Would get a bottle first and test before going mad lol

@Werewolf - Thanks for the info will pick some up

Just a word on the powerspray seems to remember someone telling me the newer version does not strip the paint any more a change to the formula or something.

Would get a bottle first and test before going mad lol


I've read this, too, both on /r/warhammer and Warseer, so definitely worth checking out.

Is anyone else frustrated by the change in base sizes in 40k? I've got a whole heap of Space Marines on the old style bases, but new stuff will come with the larger ones and I worry that mixing them will just look ridiculous. :(
I've read this, too, both on /r/warhammer and Warseer, so definitely worth checking out.

Is anyone else frustrated by the change in base sizes in 40k? I've got a whole heap of Space Marines on the old style bases, but new stuff will come with the larger ones and I worry that mixing them will just look ridiculous. :(

It's one of the few times I've been glad I haven't got a lot painted, as it is I'm going to have to buy a shed load of the larger bases for the marines I've got from various sets.

The stupid thing is (IMO) that they did it for Marines, but not some of the models that really really should be on larger bases (if just because they're utterly unstable or overhang the bases so much at the moment).

I'm also going to have to buy several hundred round bases for my unpaited Skaven.
It's one of the few times I've been glad I haven't got a lot painted, as it is I'm going to have to buy a shed load of the larger bases for the marines I've got from various sets.

The stupid thing is (IMO) that they did it for Marines, but not some of the models that really really should be on larger bases (if just because they're utterly unstable or overhang the bases so much at the moment).

I'm also going to have to buy several hundred round bases for my unpaited Skaven.

I wonder if you could make an adapter for the square bases. Something that isn't as perm. as replacing the base in-case you fancy KoW or some old school Fantasy.
With the models I've assembled I've magnatised the bases (means you can sit them on a cork with a tuppence on for painting), so I may see about some sort of adaptor to go round them, or just say forget it and try to ignore the difference.
To build pile;


  • Terminator Assault Squad + ForgeWorld Terminator Shoulders
  • Terminator Chaplain
  • Space Marine Commander
  • ForgeWorld Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnaught + ForgeWorld Dreadnaught Right Auto Cannon + ForgeWorld Left Combat Fist
  • Assault Marines Squad
  • Vanguard Assault Marines
  • Tactical Squad x3
  • Sternguard Veteran Squad x3
  • Centurion Devastator Squad
  • Razorback + ForgeWorld Ultramarine door upgrades
  • Drop Pod
  • Ultramarine upgrades x5

Ignoring the Terminators; this is the basis of my Army (the Sternguard legs are going to be used for the tactical marines in 3x five man squads - special weapons will have standard legs and be swappable, although I'm not fixed on what to take as standard Grav or Plasma)

Can throw up my first army list if anyone is interested.
@ Tummy - I woud go for Grav as standard, plays against the meta better than plasma IMO. Throw up your list, would be nice to see.

@ Tunney - I'd love some 30k miniatures, but Forge World prices are mad... Wasn't there a rumor that GW would start doing 30k stuff?
Just hope that are reasonably priced ...



I scored a bunch of WFB Chaos stuff on eBay the other day, should be turning up later in the week. Will post a list when it turns up, but looks like with that and 40k (and a bunch of Reaper minis - these are really awesome!) I will be set for the year. I've built about 1/3 of the Space Marines already and have been experimenting with colours on the test minis. Hopefully should have some progress pictures up soon, but I think I've settled on using the Reaper triad and layering up, it's producing some nice results so far. Now that I have a decent set of files and various grades of wet and dry sandpaper, I think it's about time to start tackling some of the metals... :)
Can you magnetise them? Best of both worlds then.

I could do; but it is a lot of effort. I would honestly rather buy another squad and kit them out in the alternative.

I'm more interested in which people feel would be better; Grav's give me more shots > higher chances of wounding models but a much shorter range. Las-cannons give me 'more powerful' but considerably less shots > lower chance for wounds but have a huge range.

I feel the Grav cannons are more anti 'general' weapons, and the las-cannon is slightly more specific (anti armour) weapons especially with the rocket as second weapons rather than the bolters.

I am feeling the Grav at the minute, and then decking out my 'standard' weapon to be Grav throughout.

I just wanted more opinions :(.
Still not managed to buy any Warhammer yet guys, lots of expenses this month.

So Im thinking about it more and more until I make that initial purchase to build my army. What are peoples opinions on Warhammer Fantasy? Is all the action/updates around 40K.

Only ask because I contemplated Chaos Daemons as look like you could have some real fun painting them and they can be used for both 40K and Fantasy. Thoughts?
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